Constructor and Description |
DataTypes() |
public static IntType INT()
public static TinyIntType TINYINT()
public static SmallIntType SMALLINT()
public static BigIntType BIGINT()
public static VarCharType STRING()
public static DoubleType DOUBLE()
public static CharType CHAR(int length)
public static VarCharType VARCHAR(int length)
public static BooleanType BOOLEAN()
public static DateType DATE()
public static TimeType TIME()
public static TimeType TIME(int precision)
public static TimestampType TIMESTAMP()
public static TimestampType TIMESTAMP_MILLIS()
public static TimestampType TIMESTAMP(int precision)
public static LocalZonedTimestampType TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE()
public static LocalZonedTimestampType TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE(int precision)
public static DecimalType DECIMAL(int precision, int scale)
public static VarBinaryType BYTES()
public static FloatType FLOAT()
public static BinaryType BINARY(int length)
public static VarBinaryType VARBINARY(int length)
public static MultisetType MULTISET(DataType elementType)
public static OptionalInt getPrecision(DataType dataType)
public static OptionalInt getLength(DataType dataType)
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