
StarRocks #

This documentation is a guide for using Paimon in StarRocks.

Version #

Paimon currently supports StarRocks 3.1 and above. Recommended version is StarRocks 3.2.6 or above.

Create Paimon Catalog #

Paimon catalogs are registered by executing a CREATE EXTERNAL CATALOG SQL in StarRocks. For example, you can use the following SQL to create a Paimon catalog named paimon_catalog.

"type" = "paimon",
"paimon.catalog.type" = "filesystem",
"paimon.catalog.warehouse" = "oss://<your_bucket>/user/warehouse/"

More catalog types and configures can be seen in Paimon catalog.

Query #

Suppose there already exists a database named test_db and a table named test_tbl in paimon_catalog, you can query this table using the following SQL:

SELECT * FROM paimon_catalog.test_db.test_tbl;

Query System Tables #

You can access all kinds of Paimon system tables by StarRocks. For example, you can read the ro (read-optimized) system table to improve reading performance of primary-key tables.

SELECT * FROM paimon_catalog.test_db.test_tbl$ro;

For another example, you can query partition files of the table using the following SQL:

SELECT * FROM paimon_catalog.test_db.partition_tbl$partitions;
| partition | record_count | file_size_in_bytes | file_count | last_update_time           |
| [1]       |            1 |                645 |          1 | 2024-01-01 00:00:00.000000 |

StarRocks to Paimon type mapping #

This section lists all supported type conversion between StarRocks and Paimon. All StarRocks’s data types can be found in this doc StarRocks Data type overview.

StarRocks Data Type Paimon Data Type Atomic Type
STRUCT RowType false
MAP MapType false
ARRAY ArrayType false
BOOLEAN BooleanType true
TINYINT TinyIntType true
SMALLINT SmallIntType true
INT IntType true
BIGINT BigIntType true
FLOAT FloatType true
DOUBLE DoubleType true
CHAR(length) CharType(length) true
VARCHAR(length) VarCharType(length), length is less than VarCharType.MAX_LENGTH true
DATE DateType true
DATETIME TimestampType true
DECIMAL(precision, scale) DecimalType(precision, scale) true
VARBINARY(length) VarBinaryType(length) true
DATETIME LocalZonedTimestampType true
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