Catalog API #
Create Database #
You can use the catalog to create databases. The created databases are persistence in the file system.
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
public class CreateDatabase {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createFilesystemCatalog();
catalog.createDatabase("my_db", false);
} catch (Catalog.DatabaseAlreadyExistException e) {
// do something
Determine Whether Database Exists #
You can use the catalog to determine whether the database exists
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
public class DatabaseExists {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createFilesystemCatalog();
boolean exists = catalog.databaseExists("my_db");
List Databases #
You can use the catalog to list databases.
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
import java.util.List;
public class ListDatabases {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createFilesystemCatalog();
List<String> databases = catalog.listDatabases();
Drop Database #
You can use the catalog to drop database.
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
public class DropDatabase {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createFilesystemCatalog();
catalog.dropDatabase("my_db", false, true);
} catch (Catalog.DatabaseNotEmptyException e) {
// do something
} catch (Catalog.DatabaseNotExistException e) {
// do something
Alter Database #
You can use the catalog to alter database’s properties.(ps: only support hive and jdbc catalog)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
public class AlterDatabase {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createHiveCatalog();
List<DatabaseChange> changes = new ArrayList<>();
changes.add(DatabaseChange.setProperty("k1", "v1"));
catalog.alterDatabase("my_db", changes, true);
} catch (Catalog.DatabaseNotExistException e) {
// do something
Determine Whether Table Exists #
You can use the catalog to determine whether the table exists
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Identifier;
public class TableExists {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Identifier identifier = Identifier.create("my_db", "my_table");
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createFilesystemCatalog();
boolean exists = catalog.tableExists(identifier);
List Tables #
You can use the catalog to list tables.
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
import java.util.List;
public class ListTables {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createFilesystemCatalog();
List<String> tables = catalog.listTables("my_db");
} catch (Catalog.DatabaseNotExistException e) {
// do something
Drop Table #
You can use the catalog to drop table.
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Identifier;
public class DropTable {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Identifier identifier = Identifier.create("my_db", "my_table");
try {
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createFilesystemCatalog();
catalog.dropTable(identifier, false);
} catch (Catalog.TableNotExistException e) {
// do something
Rename Table #
You can use the catalog to rename a table.
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Identifier;
public class RenameTable {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Identifier fromTableIdentifier = Identifier.create("my_db", "my_table");
Identifier toTableIdentifier = Identifier.create("my_db", "test_table");
try {
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createFilesystemCatalog();
catalog.renameTable(fromTableIdentifier, toTableIdentifier, false);
} catch (Catalog.TableAlreadyExistException e) {
// do something
} catch (Catalog.TableNotExistException e) {
// do something
Alter Table #
You can use the catalog to alter a table, but you need to pay attention to the following points.
- Column %s cannot specify NOT NULL in the %s table.
- Cannot update partition column type in the table.
- Cannot change nullability of primary key.
- If the type of the column is nested row type, update the column type is not supported.
- Update column to nested row type is not supported.
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.paimon.catalog.Identifier;
import org.apache.paimon.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.paimon.schema.SchemaChange;
import org.apache.paimon.types.DataField;
import org.apache.paimon.types.DataTypes;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class AlterTable {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Identifier identifier = Identifier.create("my_db", "my_table");
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put("bucket", "4");
options.put("compaction.max.file-num", "40");
Catalog catalog = CreateCatalog.createFilesystemCatalog();
catalog.createDatabase("my_db", false);
try {
new Schema(
new DataField(0, "col1", DataTypes.STRING(), "field1"),
new DataField(1, "col2", DataTypes.STRING(), "field2"),
new DataField(2, "col3", DataTypes.STRING(), "field3"),
new DataField(3, "col4", DataTypes.BIGINT(), "field4"),
new DataField(
new DataField(
5, "f1", DataTypes.STRING(), "f1"),
new DataField(
6, "f2", DataTypes.STRING(), "f2"),
new DataField(
7, "f3", DataTypes.STRING(), "f3")),
new DataField(8, "col6", DataTypes.STRING(), "field6")),
Lists.newArrayList("col1"), // partition keys
Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), // primary key
"table comment"),
} catch (Catalog.TableAlreadyExistException e) {
// do something
} catch (Catalog.DatabaseNotExistException e) {
// do something
// add option
SchemaChange addOption = SchemaChange.setOption("snapshot.time-retained", "2h");
// remove option
SchemaChange removeOption = SchemaChange.removeOption("compaction.max.file-num");
// add column
SchemaChange addColumn = SchemaChange.addColumn("col1_after", DataTypes.STRING());
// add a column after col1
SchemaChange.Move after = SchemaChange.Move.after("col1_after", "col1");
SchemaChange addColumnAfterField =
SchemaChange.addColumn("col7", DataTypes.STRING(), "", after);
// rename column
SchemaChange renameColumn = SchemaChange.renameColumn("col3", "col3_new_name");
// drop column
SchemaChange dropColumn = SchemaChange.dropColumn("col6");
// update column comment
SchemaChange updateColumnComment =
SchemaChange.updateColumnComment(new String[] {"col4"}, "col4 field");
// update nested column comment
SchemaChange updateNestedColumnComment =
SchemaChange.updateColumnComment(new String[] {"col5", "f1"}, "col5 f1 field");
// update column type
SchemaChange updateColumnType = SchemaChange.updateColumnType("col4", DataTypes.DOUBLE());
// update column position, you need to pass in a parameter of type Move
SchemaChange updateColumnPosition =
// update column nullability
SchemaChange updateColumnNullability =
SchemaChange.updateColumnNullability(new String[] {"col4"}, false);
// update nested column nullability
SchemaChange updateNestedColumnNullability =
SchemaChange.updateColumnNullability(new String[] {"col5", "f2"}, false);
SchemaChange[] schemaChanges =
new SchemaChange[] {
try {
catalog.alterTable(identifier, Arrays.asList(schemaChanges), false);
} catch (Catalog.TableNotExistException e) {
// do something
} catch (Catalog.ColumnAlreadyExistException e) {
// do something
} catch (Catalog.ColumnNotExistException e) {
// do something