
Configuration #

CoreOptions #

Core options for paimon.

Key Default Type Description
false Boolean Whether to create underlying storage when reading and writing the table.
1 Integer Bucket number for file store.
(none) String Specify the paimon distribution policy. Data is assigned to each bucket according to the hash value of bucket-key.
If you specify multiple fields, delimiter is ','.
If not specified, the primary key will be used; if there is no primary key, the full row will be used.
16 kb MemorySize Memory page size for caching.


Whether to double write to a changelog file. This changelog file keeps the details of data changes, it can be read directly during stream reads. This can be applied to tables with primary keys.

Possible values:
  • "none": No changelog file.
  • "input": Double write to a changelog file when flushing memory table, the changelog is from input.
  • "full-compaction": Generate changelog files with each full compaction.
  • "lookup": Generate changelog files through 'lookup' before committing the data writing.
false Boolean Whether to generate -U, +U changelog for the same record. This configuration is only valid for the changelog-producer is lookup or full-compaction.
(none) String Parameter string for the constructor of class #. Callback class should parse the parameter by itself.
(none) String A list of commit callback classes to be called after a successful commit. Class names are connected with comma (example: com.test.CallbackA,com.sample.CallbackB).
false Boolean Whether to force a compaction before commit.
200 Integer The size amplification is defined as the amount (in percentage) of additional storage needed to store a single byte of data in the merge tree for changelog mode table.
50 Integer For file set [f_0,...,f_N], the maximum file number to trigger a compaction for append-only table, even if sum(size(f_i)) < targetFileSize. This value avoids pending too much small files, which slows down the performance.
5 Integer For file set [f_0,...,f_N], the minimum file number which satisfies sum(size(f_i)) >= targetFileSize to trigger a compaction for append-only table. This value avoids almost-full-file to be compacted, which is not cost-effective.
(none) Duration Implying how often to perform an optimization compaction, this configuration is used to ensure the query timeliness of the read-optimized system table.
1 Integer Percentage flexibility while comparing sorted run size for changelog mode table. If the candidate sorted run(s) size is 1% smaller than the next sorted run's size, then include next sorted run into this candidate set.
(none) String Consumer id for recording the offset of consumption in the storage.
(none) Duration The expiration interval of consumer files. A consumer file will be expired if it's lifetime after last modification is over this value.
false Boolean Whether to ignore consumer progress for the newly started job.


Specify the consumer consistency mode for table.

Possible values:
  • "exactly-once": Readers consume data at snapshot granularity, and strictly ensure that the snapshot-id recorded in the consumer is the snapshot-id + 1 that all readers have exactly consumed.
  • "at-least-once": Each reader consumes snapshots at a different rate, and the snapshot with the slowest consumption progress among all readers will be recorded in the consumer.
10 s Duration The discovery interval of continuous reading.
10 Integer The parallelism for bootstrap in a single task for cross partition upsert.
(none) Duration The TTL in rocksdb index for cross partition upsert (primary keys not contain all partition fields), this can avoid maintaining too many indexes and lead to worse and worse performance, but please note that this may also cause data duplication.
false Boolean Whether to ignore delete records in deduplicate mode.
(none) Integer Parallelism of assigner operator for dynamic bucket mode, it is related to the number of initialized bucket, too small will lead to insufficient processing speed of assigner.
(none) Integer Initial buckets for a partition in assigner operator for dynamic bucket mode.
2000000 Long If the bucket is -1, for primary key table, is dynamic bucket mode, this option controls the target row number for one bucket.
true Boolean Whether only overwrite dynamic partition when overwriting a partitioned table with dynamic partition columns. Works only when the table has partition keys.
10 mb MemorySize The threshold for read file async.
(none) String Default file compression format, orc is lz4 and parquet is snappy. It can be overridden by file.compression.per.level
Map Define different compression policies for different level, you can add the conf like this: 'file.compression.per.level' = '0:lz4,1:zstd'.


Specify the message format of data files, currently orc, parquet and avro are supported.

Possible values:
  • "orc": ORC file format.
  • "parquet": Parquet file format.
  • "avro": Avro file format.
Map Define different file format for different level, you can add the conf like this: 'file.format.per.level' = '0:avro,3:parquet', if the file format for level is not provided, the default format which set by `file.format` will be used.
false Boolean Whether to ignore delete records in first-row mode.
(none) Integer Full compaction will be constantly triggered after delta commits.
(none) String Read incremental changes between start snapshot (exclusive) and end snapshot, for example, '5,10' means changes between snapshot 5 and snapshot 10.


Scan kind when Read incremental changes between start snapshot (exclusive) and end snapshot, 'delta' for scan newly changed files between snapshots, 'changelog' scan changelog files between snapshots.

Possible values:
  • "delta": Scan newly changed files between snapshots.
  • "changelog": Scan changelog files between snapshots.
(none) String Read incremental changes between start timestamp (exclusive) and end timestamp, for example, 't1,t2' means changes between timestamp t1 and timestamp t2.
(none) MemorySize Local merge will buffer and merge input records before they're shuffled by bucket and written into sink. The buffer will be flushed when it is full. Mainly to resolve data skew on primary keys. We recommend starting with 64 mb when trying out this feature.
128 Integer The maximal fan-in for external merge sort. It limits the number of file handles. If it is too small, may cause intermediate merging. But if it is too large, it will cause too many files opened at the same time, consume memory and lead to random reading.
1 h Duration The cached files retention time for lookup. After the file expires, if there is a need for access, it will be re-read from the DFS to build an index on the local disk.
9223372036854775807 bytes MemorySize Max disk size for lookup cache, you can use this option to limit the use of local disks.
256 mb MemorySize Max memory size for lookup cache.
true Boolean Whether to enable the bloom filter for lookup cache.
0.05 Double Define the default false positive probability for lookup cache bloom filters.
0.75 Float The index load factor for lookup.


Specify the message format of manifest files.

Possible values:
  • "orc": ORC file format.
  • "parquet": Parquet file format.
  • "avro": Avro file format.
16 mb MemorySize The size threshold for triggering full compaction of manifest.
30 Integer To avoid frequent manifest merges, this parameter specifies the minimum number of ManifestFileMeta to merge.
8 mb MemorySize Suggested file size of a manifest file.


Specify the merge engine for table with primary key.

Possible values:
  • "deduplicate": De-duplicate and keep the last row.
  • "partial-update": Partial update non-null fields.
  • "aggregation": Aggregate fields with same primary key.
  • "first-row": De-duplicate and keep the first row.
"truncate(16)" String The mode of metadata stats collection. none, counts, truncate(16), full is available.
  • "none": means disable the metadata stats collection.
  • "counts" means only collect the null count.
  • "full": means collect the null count, min/max value.
  • "truncate(16)": means collect the null count, min/max value with truncated length of 16.
  • Field level stats mode can be specified by fields.{field_name}.stats-mode
false Boolean Whether to create this table as a partitioned table in metastore. For example, if you want to list all partitions of a Paimon table in Hive, you need to create this table as a partitioned table in Hive metastore. This config option does not affect the default filesystem metastore.
(none) String Whether to create this table as a partitioned table for mapping non-partitioned table tags in metastore. This allows the Hive engine to view this table in a partitioned table view and use partitioning field to read specific partitions (specific tags).


Whether to preview tag of generated snapshots in metastore. This allows the Hive engine to query specific tag before creation.

Possible values:
  • "none": No automatically created tags.
  • "process-time": Based on the time of the machine, create TAG once the processing time passes period time plus delay.
  • "watermark": Based on the watermark of the input, create TAG once the watermark passes period time plus delay.
  • "batch": In the batch processing scenario, the tag corresponding to the current snapshot is generated after the task is completed.
(none) Integer Total level number, for example, there are 3 levels, including 0,1,2 levels.
5 Integer The sorted run number to trigger compaction. Includes level0 files (one file one sorted run) and high-level runs (one level one sorted run).
(none) Integer The number of sorted runs that trigger the stopping of writes, the default value is 'num-sorted-run.compaction-trigger' + 1.
(none) String A comma-separated list of columns for which to create a bloom filter when writing.
0.05 Double Define the default false positive probability for bloom filters.
(none) Integer Comma-separated list of fields for which dictionary encoding is to be skipped in orc.
(none) Integer If the number of distinct keys in a dictionary is greater than this fraction of the total number of non-null rows, turn off dictionary encoding in orc. Use 1 to always use dictionary encoding.
1024 Integer write batch size for orc.
64 kb MemorySize Memory page size.
(none) Integer Turn off the dictionary encoding for all fields in parquet.
false Boolean Whether to ignore delete records in partial-update mode.
(none) String Define partition by table options, cannot define partition on DDL and table options at the same time.
"__DEFAULT_PARTITION__" String The default partition name in case the dynamic partition column value is null/empty string.
1 h Duration The check interval of partition expiration.
(none) Duration The expiration interval of a partition. A partition will be expired if it‘s lifetime is over this value. Partition time is extracted from the partition value.
(none) String The formatter to format timestamp from string. It can be used with 'partition.timestamp-pattern' to create a formatter using the specified value.
  • Default formatter is 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' and 'yyyy-MM-dd'.
  • Supports multiple partition fields like '$year-$month-$day $hour:00:00'.
  • The timestamp-formatter is compatible with Java's DateTimeFormatter.
(none) String You can specify a pattern to get a timestamp from partitions. The formatter pattern is defined by 'partition.timestamp-formatter'.
  • By default, read from the first field.
  • If the timestamp in the partition is a single field called 'dt', you can use '$dt'.
  • If it is spread across multiple fields for year, month, day, and hour, you can use '$year-$month-$day $hour:00:00'.
  • If the timestamp is in fields dt and hour, you can use '$dt $hour:00:00'.
(none) String Define primary key by table options, cannot define primary key on DDL and table options at the same time.
1024 Integer Read batch size for orc and parquet.
(none) String The field that generates the row kind for primary key table, the row kind determines which data is '+I', '-U', '+U' or '-D'.
(none) Long End condition "watermark" for bounded streaming mode. Stream reading will end when a larger watermark snapshot is encountered.
(none) Long After configuring this time, only the data files created after this time will be read. It is independent of snapshots, but it is imprecise filtering (depending on whether or not compaction occurs).
(none) Integer The parallelism of scanning manifest files, default value is the size of cpu processor. Note: Scale-up this parameter will increase memory usage while scanning manifest files. We can consider downsize it when we encounter an out of memory exception while scanning
10 Integer Max split size should be cached for one task while scanning. If splits size cached in enumerator are greater than tasks size multiply by this value, scanner will pause scanning.


Specify the scanning behavior of the source.

Possible values:
  • "default": Determines actual startup mode according to other table properties. If "scan.timestamp-millis" is set the actual startup mode will be "from-timestamp", and if "scan.snapshot-id" or "scan.tag-name" is set the actual startup mode will be "from-snapshot". Otherwise the actual startup mode will be "latest-full".
  • "latest-full": For streaming sources, produces the latest snapshot on the table upon first startup, and continue to read the latest changes. For batch sources, just produce the latest snapshot but does not read new changes.
  • "full": Deprecated. Same as "latest-full".
  • "latest": For streaming sources, continuously reads latest changes without producing a snapshot at the beginning. For batch sources, behaves the same as the "latest-full" startup mode.
  • "compacted-full": For streaming sources, produces a snapshot after the latest compaction on the table upon first startup, and continue to read the latest changes. For batch sources, just produce a snapshot after the latest compaction but does not read new changes. Snapshots of full compaction are picked when scheduled full-compaction is enabled.
  • "from-timestamp": For streaming sources, continuously reads changes starting from timestamp specified by "scan.timestamp-millis", without producing a snapshot at the beginning. For batch sources, produces a snapshot at timestamp specified by "scan.timestamp-millis" but does not read new changes.
  • "from-file-creation-time": For streaming and batch sources, produces a snapshot and filters the data files by creation time. For streaming sources, upon first startup, and continue to read the latest changes.
  • "from-snapshot": For streaming sources, continuously reads changes starting from snapshot specified by "scan.snapshot-id", without producing a snapshot at the beginning. For batch sources, produces a snapshot specified by "scan.snapshot-id" or "scan.tag-name" but does not read new changes.
  • "from-snapshot-full": For streaming sources, produces from snapshot specified by "scan.snapshot-id" on the table upon first startup, and continuously reads changes. For batch sources, produces a snapshot specified by "scan.snapshot-id" but does not read new changes.
  • "incremental": Read incremental changes between start and end snapshot or timestamp.
false Boolean Whether to sort plan files by partition fields, this allows you to read according to the partition order, even if your partition writes are out of order.
It is recommended that you use this for streaming read of the 'append-only' table. By default, streaming read will read the full snapshot first. In order to avoid the disorder reading for partitions, you can open this option.
(none) Long Optional snapshot id used in case of "from-snapshot" or "from-snapshot-full" scan mode
(none) String Optional tag name used in case of "from-snapshot" scan mode.
(none) Long Optional timestamp used in case of "from-timestamp" scan mode. If there is no snapshot earlier than this time, the earliest snapshot will be chosen.
(none) String Specify the way of padding precision, if the provided sequence field is used to indicate "time" but doesn't meet the precise.
  • You can specific:
  • 1. "row-kind-flag": Pads a bit flag to indicate whether it is retract (0) or add (1) message.
  • 2. "second-to-micro": Pads the sequence field that indicates time with precision of seconds to micro-second.
  • 3. "millis-to-micro": Pads the sequence field that indicates time with precision of milli-second to micro-second.
  • 4. Composite pattern: for example, "second-to-micro,row-kind-flag".
(none) String The field that generates the sequence number for primary key table, the sequence number determines which data is the most recent.
"UTC" String The time zone to parse the long watermark value to TIMESTAMP value. The default value is 'UTC', which means the watermark is defined on TIMESTAMP column or not defined. If the watermark is defined on TIMESTAMP_LTZ column, the time zone of watermark is user configured time zone, the value should be the user configured local time zone. The option value is either a full name such as 'America/Los_Angeles', or a custom timezone id such as 'GMT-08:00'.
true Boolean Whether to try to clean empty directories when expiring snapshots. Note that trying to clean directories might throw exceptions in filesystem, but in most cases it won't cause problems.


Specifies the execution mode of expire.

Possible values:
  • "sync": Execute expire synchronously. If there are too many files, it may take a long time and block stream processing.
  • "async": Execute expire asynchronously. If the generation of snapshots is greater than the deletion, there will be a backlog of files.
10 Integer The maximum number of snapshots allowed to expire at a time.
2147483647 Integer The maximum number of completed snapshots to retain. Should be greater than or equal to the minimum number.
10 Integer The minimum number of completed snapshots to retain. Should be greater than or equal to 1.
1 h Duration The maximum time of completed snapshots to retain.


Specify the sort engine for table with primary key.

Possible values:
  • "min-heap": Use min-heap for multiway sorting.
  • "loser-tree": Use loser-tree for multiway sorting. Compared with heapsort, loser-tree has fewer comparisons and is more efficient.
64 mb MemorySize Amount of data to spill records to disk in spilled sort.
(none) Integer If the maximum number of sort readers exceeds this value, a spill will be attempted. This prevents too many readers from consuming too much memory and causing OOM.
4 mb MemorySize Open file cost of a source file. It is used to avoid reading too many files with a source split, which can be very slow.
128 mb MemorySize Target size of a source split when scanning a bucket.


The mode of streaming read that specifies to read the data of table file or log

Possible values:
  • file: Reads from the data of table file store.
  • log: Read from the data of table log store.

Possible values:
  • "log": Reads from the log store.
  • "file": Reads from the file store.
false Boolean Whether to read the changes from overwrite in streaming mode. Cannot be set to true when changelog producer is full-compaction or lookup because it will read duplicated changes.


Whether to create tag automatically. And how to generate tags.

Possible values:
  • "none": No automatically created tags.
  • "process-time": Based on the time of the machine, create TAG once the processing time passes period time plus delay.
  • "watermark": Based on the watermark of the input, create TAG once the watermark passes period time plus delay.
  • "batch": In the batch processing scenario, the tag corresponding to the current snapshot is generated after the task is completed.
(none) String Parameter string for the constructor of class #. Callback class should parse the parameter by itself.
(none) String A list of commit callback classes to be called after a successful tag. Class names are connected with comma (example: com.test.CallbackA,com.sample.CallbackB).
0 ms Duration How long is the delay after the period ends before creating a tag. This can allow some late data to enter the Tag.


What frequency is used to generate tags.

Possible values:
  • "daily": Generate a tag every day.
  • "hourly": Generate a tag every hour.
  • "two-hours": Generate a tag every two hours.
(none) Integer The maximum number of tags to retain.
(none) Duration In watermarking, if a source remains idle beyond the specified timeout duration, it triggers snapshot advancement and facilitates tag creation.


The date format for tag periods.

Possible values:
  • "with_dashes": Dates and hours with dashes, e.g., 'yyyy-MM-dd HH'
  • "without_dashes": Dates and hours without dashes, e.g., 'yyyyMMdd HH'
128 mb MemorySize Target size of a file.
false Boolean This option only works for append-only table. Whether the write use write buffer to avoid out-of-memory error.
256 mb MemorySize Amount of data to build up in memory before converting to a sorted on-disk file.
(none) Boolean Whether the write buffer can be spillable. Enabled by default when using object storage.
0 bytes MemorySize Cache size for reading manifest files for write initialization.
5 Integer When in batch append inserting, if the writer number is greater than this option, we open the buffer cache and spill function to avoid out-of-memory.
false Boolean If set to true, compactions and snapshot expiration will be skipped. This option is used along with dedicated compact jobs.
8 Integer The bytes of types (CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY, VARBINARY) devote to the zorder sort.

CatalogOptions #

Options for paimon catalog.

Key Default Type Description
true Boolean Allow to fallback to hadoop File IO when no file io found for the scheme.
(none) String The lineage meta to store table and data lineage information.

Possible values:
  • "jdbc": Use standard jdbc to store table and data lineage information.
  • "custom": You can implement LineageMetaFactory and LineageMeta to store lineage information in customized storage.
8 min Duration The maximum time to wait for acquiring the lock.
8 s Duration The maximum sleep time when retrying to check the lock.
false Boolean Enable Catalog Lock.
"filesystem" String Metastore of paimon catalog, supports filesystem and hive.


Type of table.

Possible values:
  • "managed": Paimon owned table where the entire lifecycle of the table data is managed.
  • "external": The table where Paimon has loose coupling with the data stored in external locations.
(none) String Uri of metastore server.
(none) String The warehouse root path of catalog.

FilesystemCatalogOptions #

Options for Filesystem catalog.

Key Default Type Description
true Boolean Is case sensitive. If case insensitive, you need to set this option to false, and the table name and fields be converted to lowercase.

HiveCatalogOptions #

Options for Hive catalog.

Key Default Type Description
(none) String File directory of the core-site.xml、hdfs-site.xml、yarn-site.xml、mapred-site.xml. Currently, only local file system paths are supported. If not configured, try to load from 'HADOOP_CONF_DIR' or 'HADOOP_HOME' system environment. Configure Priority: 1.from 'hadoop-conf-dir' 2.from HADOOP_CONF_DIR 3.from HADOOP_HOME/conf 4.HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop.
(none) String File directory of the hive-site.xml , used to create HiveMetastoreClient and security authentication, such as Kerberos, LDAP, Ranger and so on. If not configured, try to load from 'HIVE_CONF_DIR' env.
false Boolean Setting the location in properties of hive table/database. If you don't want to access the location by the filesystem of hive when using a object storage such as s3,oss you can set this option to true.

FlinkCatalogOptions #

Flink catalog options for paimon.

Key Default Type Description
"default" String
false Boolean If true, creating table in default database is not allowed. Default is false.

FlinkConnectorOptions #

Flink connector options for paimon.

Key Default Type Description
true Boolean When changelog-producer is set to LOOKUP, commit will wait for changelog generation by lookup.
false Boolean Whether to enable async lookup join.
16 Integer The thread number for lookup async.
4 Integer The parallelism for bootstrap in a single task for lookup join.


The cache mode of lookup join.

Possible values:
  • "AUTO"
  • "FULL"
true Boolean If it is false, parallelism of source are set by global parallelism. Otherwise, source parallelism is inferred from splits number (batch mode) or bucket number(streaming mode).
1024 Integer If scan.infer-parallelism is true, limit the parallelism of source through this option.
(none) Integer Define a custom parallelism for the scan source. By default, if this option is not defined, the planner will derive the parallelism for each statement individually by also considering the global configuration. If user enable the scan.infer-parallelism, the planner will derive the parallelism by inferred parallelism.
true Boolean If true, flink will push down projection, filters, limit to the source. The cost is that it is difficult to reuse the source in a job. With flink 1.18 or higher version, it is possible to reuse the source even with projection push down.
false Boolean Whether to force the removal of the normalize node when streaming read. Note: This is dangerous and is likely to cause data errors if downstream is used to calculate aggregation and the input is not complete changelog.
10 Integer How many splits should assign to subtask per batch in StaticFileStoreSplitEnumerator to avoid exceed `akka.framesize` limit.


The mode used by StaticFileStoreSplitEnumerator to assign splits.

Possible values:
  • "fair": Distribute splits evenly when batch reading to prevent a few tasks from reading all.
  • "preemptive": Distribute splits preemptively according to the consumption speed of the task.
(none) String A group of sources to align watermarks.
(none) Duration Maximal drift to align watermarks, before we pause consuming from the source/task/partition.
1 s Duration How often tasks should notify coordinator about the current watermark and how often the coordinator should announce the maximal aligned watermark.


Emit strategy for watermark generation.

Possible values:
  • "on-periodic": Emit watermark periodically, interval is controlled by Flink ''.
  • "on-event": Emit watermark per record.
(none) Duration If no records flow in a partition of a stream for that amount of time, then that partition is considered "idle" and will not hold back the progress of watermarks in downstream operators.
1.0 Double Sink committer cpu to control cpu cores of global committer.
(none) MemorySize Sink committer memory to control heap memory of global committer.
256 mb MemorySize Weight of managed memory for RocksDB in cross-partition update, Flink will compute the memory size according to the weight, the actual memory used depends on the running environment.
256 mb MemorySize Weight of writer buffer in managed memory, Flink will compute the memory size for writer according to the weight, the actual memory used depends on the running environment.
(none) Integer Defines a custom parallelism for the sink. By default, if this option is not defined, the planner will derive the parallelism for each statement individually by also considering the global configuration.
false Boolean If true, a tag will be automatically created for the snapshot created by flink savepoint.
false Boolean If true, flink sink will use managed memory for merge tree; otherwise, it will create an independent memory allocator.
false Boolean Whether to align the flink checkpoint with the snapshot of the paimon table, If true, a checkpoint will only be made if a snapshot is consumed.
30 s Duration If the new snapshot has not been generated when the checkpoint starts to trigger, the enumerator will block the checkpoint and wait for the new snapshot. Set the maximum waiting time to avoid infinite waiting, if timeout, the checkpoint will fail. Note that it should be set smaller than the checkpoint timeout.
(none) Integer Defines a custom parallelism for the unaware-bucket table compaction job. By default, if this option is not defined, the planner will derive the parallelism for each statement individually by also considering the global configuration.

SparkConnectorOptions #

Spark connector options for paimon.

Key Default Type Description
false Boolean Whether to read row in the form of changelog (add rowkind column in row to represent its change type).
(none) Long The maximum number of bytes returned in a single batch.
(none) Integer The maximum number of files returned in a single batch.
(none) Long The maximum number of rows returned in a single batch.
(none) Long The maximum delay between two adjacent batches, which used to create MinRowsReadLimit with together.
(none) Long The minimum number of rows returned in a single batch, which used to create MinRowsReadLimit with together.
false Boolean If true, merge the data schema and the table schema automatically before write data.
false Boolean If true, allow to merge data types if the two types meet the rules for explicit casting.

RocksDB Options #

The following options allow users to finely adjust RocksDB for better performance. You can either specify them in table properties or in dynamic table hints.

Key Default Type Description
10000 Long The maximum number of rows to store in the cache.
(none) Duration The discovery interval of lookup continuous reading. This is used as an SQL hint. If it's not configured, the lookup function will fallback to 'continuous.discovery-interval'.
4 kb MemorySize The approximate size (in bytes) of user data packed per block. The default blocksize is '4KB'.
128 mb MemorySize The amount of the cache for data blocks in RocksDB.
4 kb MemorySize Approximate size of partitioned metadata packed per block. Currently applied to indexes block when partitioned index/filters option is enabled. The default blocksize is '4KB'.
10.0 Double Bits per key that bloom filter will use, this only take effect when bloom filter is used. The default value is 10.0.
false Boolean If true, RocksDB will use block-based filter instead of full filter, this only take effect when bloom filter is used. The default value is 'false'.
256 mb MemorySize The upper-bound of the total size of level base files in bytes. The default value is '256MB'.
64 mb MemorySize The target file size for compaction, which determines a level-1 file size. The default value is '64MB'.
false Boolean If true, RocksDB will pick target size of each level dynamically. From an empty DB, RocksDB would make last level the base level, which means merging L0 data into the last level, until it exceeds max_bytes_for_level_base. And then repeat this process for second last level and so on. The default value is 'false'. For more information, please refer to RocksDB's doc.


The specified compaction style for DB. Candidate compaction style is LEVEL, FIFO, UNIVERSAL or NONE, and Flink chooses 'LEVEL' as default style.

Possible values:
  • "LEVEL"
  • "FIFO"
  • "NONE"


The compression type.

Possible values:
-1 Integer The maximum number of open files (per stateful operator) that can be used by the DB, '-1' means no limit. The default value is '-1'.
2 Integer The maximum number of concurrent background flush and compaction jobs (per stateful operator). The default value is '2'.
false Boolean If true, every newly created SST file will contain a Bloom filter. It is disabled by default.
2 Integer The maximum number of write buffers that are built up in memory. The default value is '2'.
1 Integer The minimum number of write buffers that will be merged together before writing to storage. The default value is '1'.
64 mb MemorySize The amount of data built up in memory (backed by an unsorted log on disk) before converting to a sorted on-disk files. The default writebuffer size is '64MB'.
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Apache Paimon is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
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