Interface | Description |
Action |
Abstract class for Flink actions.
ActionFactory |
Factory to create
Action . |
Class | Description |
ActionBase |
Abstract base of
Action for table. |
ClearConsumerAction |
Clear consumers action for Flink.
ClearConsumerActionFactory |
Factory to create
ClearConsumerAction . |
CloneAction |
The Latest Snapshot clone action for Flink.
CloneActionFactory |
Factory to create
CloneAction . |
CompactAction |
Table compact action for Flink.
CompactActionFactory |
Factory to create
CompactAction . |
CompactDatabaseAction |
Database compact action for Flink.
CompactDatabaseActionFactory |
Factory to create
CompactDatabaseAction . |
CreateBranchAction |
Create branch action for Flink.
CreateBranchActionFactory |
Factory to create
CreateBranchAction . |
CreateOrReplaceTagActionFactory |
Factory to create
ReplaceTagAction or ReplaceTagAction . |
CreateTagAction |
Create tag action for Flink.
CreateTagActionFactory |
Factory to create
CreateTagAction . |
CreateTagFromTimestampAction |
Create tag from timestamp action for Flink.
CreateTagFromTimestampActionFactory |
Factory to create
CreateTagFromTimestampAction . |
CreateTagFromWatermarkAction |
Create tag from watermark action for Flink.
CreateTagFromWatermarkActionFactory |
Factory to create
CreateTagFromWatermarkAction . |
DeleteAction |
Delete from table action for Flink.
DeleteActionFactory |
Factory to create
DeleteAction . |
DeleteBranchAction |
Delete branch action for Flink.
DeleteBranchActionFactory |
Factory to create
DeleteBranchAction . |
DeleteTagAction |
Delete tag action for Flink.
DeleteTagActionFactory |
Factory to create
DeleteTagAction . |
DropPartitionAction |
Table drop partition action for Flink.
DropPartitionActionFactory |
Factory to create
DropPartitionAction . |
ExpirePartitionsAction |
Expire partitions action for Flink.
ExpirePartitionsActionFactory |
Factory to create
ExpirePartitionsAction . |
ExpireSnapshotsAction |
Expire snapshots action for Flink.
ExpireSnapshotsActionFactory |
Factory to create
ExpireSnapshotsAction . |
ExpireTagsAction |
Expire tags action for Flink.
ExpireTagsActionFactory |
Factory to create
ExpireTagsAction . |
FastForwardAction |
Fast Forward action for Flink.
FastForwardActionFactory |
Factory to create
FastForwardAction . |
FlinkActions |
Table maintenance actions for Flink.
MarkPartitionDoneAction |
Table partition mark done action for Flink.
MarkPartitionDoneActionFactory |
Factory to create
MarkPartitionDoneAction . |
MergeIntoAction |
Flink action for 'MERGE INTO', which references the syntax as follows (we use 'upsert' semantics
instead of 'update'):
MergeIntoActionFactory |
Factory to create
MergeIntoAction . |
MigrateDatabaseAction |
Migrate from external all hive table in database to paimon table.
MigrateDatabaseActionFactory |
Action Factory for
MigrateDatabaseAction . |
MigrateIcebergTableAction |
Migrate from iceberg table to paimon table.
MigrateIcebergTableActionFactory |
Action Factory for
MigrateIcebergTableAction . |
MigrateTableAction |
Migrate from external hive table to paimon table.
MigrateTableActionFactory |
Action Factory for
MigrateTableAction . |
MultipleParameterToolAdapter |
An adapter of
MultipleParameterTool that can deal old style key. |
QueryServiceActionFactory |
Factory to create QueryService Action.
RemoveOrphanFilesAction |
Action to remove the orphan data files and metadata files.
RemoveOrphanFilesActionFactory |
Factory to create
RemoveOrphanFilesAction . |
RemoveUnexistingFilesAction |
Action to remove unexisting data files from manifest entries.
RemoveUnexistingFilesActionFactory |
Factory to create
RemoveUnexistingFilesAction . |
RenameTagAction |
Rename Tag action for Flink.
RenameTagActionFactory |
Factory to create
RenameTagActionFactory . |
RepairAction |
Repair action for Flink.
RepairActionFactory |
Factory to create
RepairAction . |
ReplaceTagAction |
Replace tag action for Flink.
ReplaceTagActionFactory |
Factory to create
ReplaceTagAction . |
RescaleAction |
Action to rescale one partition of a table.
RescaleActionFactory |
Factory to create
RescaleAction . |
ResetConsumerAction |
Reset consumer action for Flink.
ResetConsumerActionFactory |
Factory to create
ResetConsumerAction . |
RewriteFileIndexAction |
Rewrite-file-index action for Flink.
RewriteFileIndexActionFactory |
Factory to create
RewriteFileIndexAction . |
RollbackToAction |
Rollback to specific version action for Flink.
RollbackToActionFactory |
Factory to create
RollbackToAction . |
RollbackToTimestampAction |
Rollback to specific timestamp action for Flink.
RollbackToTimestampActionFactory |
Factory to create
RollbackToTimestampAction . |
SortCompactAction |
Compact with sort action.
TableActionBase |
Abstract base of
Action for table. |
Enum | Description |
MultiTablesSinkMode |
There are two modes for database sink.
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