Interface | Description |
AvroBuilder<T> |
A builder to create an
AvroBulkWriter from an OutputStream . |
AvroSchemaTypelessReader<T> |
Visitor to visit
Schema which could generate reader without type, but that reader should
only call to skip. |
AvroSchemaVisitor<T> |
Visitor to visit
Schema . |
FieldReader |
Reader to read field from Avro
Decoder . |
FieldWriter |
Writer to write field to Avro
Encoder . |
Class | Description |
AvroBulkFormat |
Provides a
FormatReaderFactory for Avro records. |
AvroBulkWriter<T> |
A simple writer implementation that wraps an Avro
DataFileWriter . |
AvroFileFormat |
FileFormat . |
AvroFileFormatFactory |
Factory to create
AvroFileFormat . |
AvroRowDatumReader |
DatumReader for reading InternalRow . |
AvroRowDatumWriter |
DatumWriter for writing InternalRow . |
AvroSchemaConverter |
Converts an Avro schema into Paimon's type information.
AvroSimpleStatsExtractor |
SimpleStatsExtractor for avro files. |
AvroWriterFactory<T> |
A factory that creates an
AvroBulkWriter . |
CloseShieldOutputStream |
A proxy output stream that prevents the underlying output stream from being closed.
FieldReaderFactory |
Factory to create
FieldReader . |
FieldWriterFactory |
Factory to create
FieldWriter . |
LogicalMap |
An Avro's
LogicalType for map. |
SeekableInputStreamWrapper |
Code copy pasted from org.apache.avro.mapred.FSInput (which is Apache licensed as well).
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