Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected<Identifier,List<Partition>> |
CachingCatalog.partitionCache |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Partition> |
Catalog.listPartitions(Identifier identifier)
Get Partition of all partitions of the table.
List<Partition> |
AbstractCatalog.listPartitions(Identifier identifier) |
List<Partition> |
CachingCatalog.listPartitions(Identifier identifier) |
List<Partition> |
DelegateCatalog.listPartitions(Identifier identifier) |
static List<Partition> |
CatalogUtils.listPartitionsFromFileSystem(Table table) |
PagedList<Partition> |
Catalog.listPartitionsPaged(Identifier identifier,
Integer maxResults,
String pageToken)
Get paged partitioned list of the table.
PagedList<Partition> |
AbstractCatalog.listPartitionsPaged(Identifier identifier,
Integer maxResults,
String pageToken) |
PagedList<Partition> |
DelegateCatalog.listPartitionsPaged(Identifier identifier,
Integer maxResults,
String pageToken) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Catalog.alterPartitions(Identifier identifier,
List<Partition> partitions)
Alter partitions of the specify table.
void |
AbstractCatalog.alterPartitions(Identifier identifier,
List<Partition> partitions) |
void |
CachingCatalog.alterPartitions(Identifier identifier,
List<Partition> partitions) |
void |
DelegateCatalog.alterPartitions(Identifier identifier,
List<Partition> partitions) |
boolean |
SnapshotCommit.commit(Snapshot snapshot,
String branch,
List<Partition> statistics) |
boolean |
RenamingSnapshotCommit.commit(Snapshot snapshot,
String branch,
List<Partition> statistics) |
boolean |
CatalogSnapshotCommit.commit(Snapshot snapshot,
String branch,
List<Partition> statistics) |
boolean |
SupportsSnapshots.commitSnapshot(Identifier identifier,
Snapshot snapshot,
List<Partition> statistics)
Commit the
Snapshot for table identified by the given Identifier . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Partition> |
HiveCatalog.listPartitions(Identifier identifier) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HiveCatalog.alterPartitions(Identifier identifier,
List<Partition> partitions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Partition |
PartitionEntry.toPartition(InternalRowPartitionComputer computer) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PrivilegedCatalog.alterPartitions(Identifier identifier,
List<Partition> partitions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Partition> |
RESTCatalog.listPartitions(Identifier identifier) |
PagedList<Partition> |
RESTCatalog.listPartitionsPaged(Identifier identifier,
Integer maxResults,
String pageToken) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RESTCatalog.alterPartitions(Identifier identifier,
List<Partition> partitions) |
boolean |
RESTCatalog.commitSnapshot(Identifier identifier,
Snapshot snapshot,
List<Partition> statistics) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Partition> |
AlterPartitionsRequest.getPartitions() |
List<Partition> |
CommitTableRequest.getStatistics() |
Constructor and Description |
AlterPartitionsRequest(List<Partition> partitions) |
CommitTableRequest(Snapshot snapshot,
List<Partition> statistics) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Partition> | |
List<Partition> |
ListPartitionsResponse.getPartitions() |
Constructor and Description |
ListPartitionsResponse(List<Partition> partitions) |
ListPartitionsResponse(List<Partition> partitions,
String nextPageToken) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PartitionHandler.alterPartitions(List<Partition> partitions) |
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