Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default void |
Catalog.alterTable(Identifier identifier,
SchemaChange change,
boolean ignoreIfNotExists)
Modify an existing table from a
SchemaChange . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Catalog.alterTable(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes,
boolean ignoreIfNotExists)
Modify an existing table from
SchemaChange s. |
void |
AbstractCatalog.alterTable(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes,
boolean ignoreIfNotExists) |
void |
CachingCatalog.alterTable(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes,
boolean ignoreIfNotExists) |
void |
DelegateCatalog.alterTable(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes,
boolean ignoreIfNotExists) |
protected void |
FileSystemCatalog.alterTableImpl(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractCatalog.alterTableImpl(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
FlinkCatalog.handleMaterializedTableChange(org.apache.flink.table.catalog.TableChange change,
List<SchemaChange> schemaChanges)
Try handle change related to materialized table.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<SchemaChange> |
UpdatedDataFieldsProcessFunctionBase.extractSchemaChanges(SchemaManager schemaManager,
List<DataField> updatedDataFields) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
UpdatedDataFieldsProcessFunctionBase.applySchemaChange(SchemaManager schemaManager,
SchemaChange schemaChange,
Identifier identifier) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
HiveCatalog.alterTableImpl(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
JdbcCatalog.alterTableImpl(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PrivilegedCatalog.alterTable(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes,
boolean ignoreIfNotExists) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RESTCatalog.alterTable(Identifier identifier,
List<SchemaChange> changes,
boolean ignoreIfNotExists) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<SchemaChange> |
AlterTableRequest.getChanges() |
Constructor and Description |
AlterTableRequest(List<SchemaChange> changes) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
A SchemaChange to add a field.
static class |
A SchemaChange to drop a field.
static class |
A SchemaChange to remove a table option.
static class |
A SchemaChange to rename a field.
static class |
A SchemaChange to set a table option.
static class |
A SchemaChange to update the (nested) field comment.
static class |
A SchemaChange to update the (nested) field nullability.
static class |
A SchemaChange to update the field position.
static class |
A SchemaChange to update the field type.
static class |
A SchemaChange to Update table comment.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.addColumn(String[] fieldNames,
DataType dataType,
String comment,
SchemaChange.Move move) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.addColumn(String fieldName,
DataType dataType) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.addColumn(String fieldName,
DataType dataType,
String comment) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.addColumn(String fieldName,
DataType dataType,
String comment,
SchemaChange.Move move) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.dropColumn(String fieldName) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.dropColumn(String[] fieldNames) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.removeOption(String key) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.renameColumn(String[] fieldNames,
String newName) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.renameColumn(String fieldName,
String newName) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.setOption(String key,
String value) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.updateColumnComment(String[] fieldNames,
String comment) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.updateColumnComment(String fieldName,
String comment) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.updateColumnNullability(String[] fieldNames,
boolean newNullability) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.updateColumnNullability(String fieldName,
boolean newNullability) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.updateColumnPosition(SchemaChange.Move move) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.updateColumnType(String[] fieldNames,
DataType newDataType,
boolean keepNullability) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.updateColumnType(String fieldName,
DataType newDataType) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.updateColumnType(String fieldName,
DataType newDataType,
boolean keepNullability) |
static SchemaChange |
SchemaChange.updateComment(String comment) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TableSchema |
SchemaManager.commitChanges(SchemaChange... changes)
SchemaChange s. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TableSchema |
SchemaManager.commitChanges(List<SchemaChange> changes)
SchemaChange s. |
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