Interface | Description |
BatchRecordWriter |
BundleRecords directly. |
BiFilter<T,U> |
Represents a filter (boolean-valued function) of two argument.
BiFunctionWithIOE<T,U,R> |
A bi function with
IOException . |
BranchManager |
Manager for
Branch . |
CloseableIterator<T> |
This interface represents an
Iterator that is also AutoCloseable . |
FieldsComparator |
Comparator to compare fields for InternalRow . |
Filter<T> |
Represents a filter (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
FunctionWithException<T,R,E extends Throwable> |
A functional interface for a
Function that may throw exceptions. |
FunctionWithIOException<T,R> |
FunctionWithException with IOException . |
IntIterator |
Iterator for ints.
IOExceptionSupplier<T> |
Supplier throws IOException . |
IOFunction<T,R> |
A functional interface for a
Function that may throw IOException . |
IteratorWithException<V,E extends Exception> |
An iterator which might throws exception.
JsonDeserializer<T> |
Json deserializer for jackson.
JsonSerializer<T> |
Json serializer for jackson.
KeyValueIterator<K,V> |
An iterator for Key and Value.
LongIterator |
Iterator for long.
MutableObjectIterator<E> |
A simple iterator interface.
ParallelExecution.ParallelBatch<T,E> |
A batch provides next and extra message.
PathFactory |
Path factory to create a path.
Pool.Recycler<T> |
A Recycler puts objects into the pool that the recycler is associated with.
RecordWriter<T> |
RecordWriter is responsible for writing data and handling in-progress files used to
write yet un-staged data. |
Restorable<S> |
Operations implementing this interface can checkpoint and restore their states between different
RowIterator |
A simple iterator which provides simple next.
SerBiFunction<T,U,R> |
BiFunction that is also Serializable . |
SerializableConsumer<T> |
This interface is basically Java's
Consumer interface enhanced with the Serializable . |
SerializableFunction<T,R> |
Function that is also Serializable . |
SerializablePredicate<T> |
This interface is basically Java's
Predicate interface enhanced with the Serializable . |
SerializableRunnable |
A serializable
Runnable . |
SerializableSupplier<T> |
A serializable
Supplier . |
SimpleFileReader<T> |
A reader for reading file to entries.
SnapshotLoader |
Loader to load latest snapshot.
SupplierWithIOException<T> |
Supplier with IOException . |
ThrowingConsumer<T,E extends Throwable> |
This interface is basically Java's
Consumer interface enhanced with
the ability to throw an exception. |
Class | Description |
ArrayUtils |
Utils for array.
AsyncRecordReader<T> |
RecordReader to use ASYNC_EXECUTOR to read records async. |
BinaryRowDataUtil |
Utilities for
BinaryRow . |
BinaryStringUtils |
Util for
BinaryString . |
BinPacking |
Contains bin packing implementations.
BitSet |
BitSet based on
MemorySegment . |
BitSliceIndexRoaringBitmap |
A bit slice index compressed bitmap.
BitSliceIndexRoaringBitmap.Appender |
A Builder for
BitSliceIndexRoaringBitmap . |
BlockingExecutor |
A executor wrapper to execute with
Semaphore . |
BloomFilter |
Bloom filter based on one memory segment.
BloomFilter.Builder |
Bloom filter based on one memory segment.
BloomFilter64 |
Bloom filter 64 handle 64 bits hash.
BloomFilter64.BitSet |
Bit set used for bloom filter 64.
BooleanArrayList |
Minimal implementation of an array-backed list of booleans.
CatalogBranchManager |
BranchManager implementation to manage branches via catalog. |
ChangelogManager |
Manager for
Changelog , providing utility methods related to paths and changelog hints. |
CloseableIterator.IteratorAdapter<E> |
Adapter from
Iterator to CloseableIterator . |
CommitIncrement |
Changes to commit.
ConvertBinaryUtil |
BinaryUtil util to convert the value to binary.
DataFilePathFactories |
Cache for
DataFilePathFactory s. |
DateTimeUtils |
Utils for date time.
DecimalUtils |
Utilities for
Decimal . |
EncodingUtils |
General utilities for string-encoding.
ExceptionUtils |
A collection of utility functions for dealing with exceptions and exception workflows.
ExecutorThreadFactory |
A thread factory intended for use by critical thread pools.
ExecutorThreadFactory.Builder |
Builder for
ExecutorThreadFactory . |
ExecutorUtils |
Utilities for
Executors . |
FatalExitExceptionHandler |
Handler for uncaught exceptions that will log the exception and kill the process afterwards.
FileBasedBloomFilter |
Util to apply a built bloom filter .
FileDeletionThreadPool |
Thread pool to delete files using
FileIO . |
FileIOUtils |
This is a utility class to deal files and directories.
FileStorePathFactory |
Factory which produces
Path s for manifest files. |
FileSystemBranchManager |
BranchManager implementation to manage branches via file system. |
FileUtils |
Utils for file reading and writing.
FixLenByteArrayOutputStream |
ByteArrayOutputStream which can reuse byte array. |
FormatReaderMapping |
Class with index mapping and format reader.
FormatReaderMapping.Builder |
Builder for
FormatReaderMapping . |
FutureUtils |
A collection of utilities that expand the usage of
CompletableFuture . |
HadoopUtils |
Utility class for working with Hadoop-related classes.
HintFileUtils |
Utils for hint files.
HllSketchUtil |
A compressed bitmap for 32-bit integer.
IDMapping<T> |
Incremental id generation.
InstantiationUtil |
Utility class to create instances from class objects and checking failure reasons.
InstantiationUtil.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream |
A custom ObjectInputStream that can load classes using a specific ClassLoader.
Int2ShortHashMap |
Int to short hash map.
Int2ShortHashMap.Builder |
Builder of
Int2ShortHashMap . |
IntArrayList |
Minimal implementation of an array-backed list of ints.
InternalRowPartitionComputer |
PartitionComputer for
InternalRow . |
InternalRowUtils |
Utils for
InternalRow structures. |
IntFileUtils |
File to store ints.
IntHashSet |
A hash set for ints.
IntObjectSerializer |
ObjectSerializer for int. |
IOUtils |
An utility class for I/O related functionality.
IteratorRecordReader<T> |
Wrap a
Iterator as an RecordReader . |
IteratorResultIterator |
A simple
RecordReader.RecordIterator that returns the elements of an iterator. |
JsonSerdeUtil |
A utility class that provide abilities for JSON serialization and deserialization.
KeyComparatorSupplier |
Supplier that returns the comparator for the file store key. |
KeyProjectedRow |
InternalRow to project key fields with RowKind.INSERT . |
KeyValueWithLevelNoReusingSerializer |
Serializer for
KeyValue with Level. |
LazyField<T> |
A class to lazy initialized field.
ListDelimitedSerializer |
Encapsulates a logic of serialization and deserialization of a list with a delimiter.
ListUtils |
Utils for
List . |
LocalFileUtils |
Utils for local file.
LongArrayList |
Minimal implementation of an array-backed list of longs.
LongCounter |
An counter that sums up
long values. |
ManifestReadThreadPool |
Thread pool to read manifests.
MapBuilder<K,V> |
Build for
Map . |
MathUtils |
Collection of simple mathematical routines.
MurmurHashUtils |
Murmur Hash.
NextSnapshotFetcher |
Fetcher for getting the next snapshot by snapshot id.
ObjectsCache<K,V> |
Cache records to
SegmentsCache by compacted serializer. |
ObjectSerializer<T> |
A serializer to serialize object by
InternalRowSerializer . |
ObjectsFile<T> |
A file which contains several
T s, provides read and write. |
ObjectUtils |
Utils for objects.
OffsetRow |
InternalRow to wrap row with offset. |
OptionalUtils |
Utils for Optional.
Pair<L,R> |
Pair contains left and right.
ParallelExecution<T,E> |
A class to help parallel execution.
ParameterUtils |
This is a util class for converting string parameter to another format.
PartialRow |
InternalRow to wrap row with partial fields. |
PartitionPathUtils |
Utils for file system.
PartitionStatisticsReporter |
Action to report the table statistic from the latest snapshot to HMS.
Pool<T> |
A pool to cache and recycle heavyweight objects, to reduce object allocation.
PositiveIntInt |
IntInt pojo class.
PositiveIntIntSerializer | |
Preconditions |
A collection of static utility methods to validate input.
ProjectedArray |
An implementation of
InternalArray which provides a projected view of the underlying
InternalArray . |
ProjectedRow |
An implementation of
InternalRow which provides a projected view of the underlying InternalRow . |
Projection |
Projection represents a list of (possibly nested) indexes that can be used to project
data types. |
ProjectToRowFunction |
BinaryRow fields into InternalRow . |
RecyclableIterator<E> |
Utility base class for iterators that accept a recycler.
Reference<T> |
Refer a object.
ReflectionUtils |
Utils for java reflection.
ReuseByteArrayOutputStream |
ByteArrayOutputStream which can reuse byte array. |
RoaringBitmap32 |
A compressed bitmap for 32-bit integer.
RoaringBitmap64 |
A compressed bitmap for 64-bit integer.
RowDataToObjectArrayConverter |
InternalRow to object array. |
SegmentsCache<T> |
Segments . |
SerializationUtils |
Utils for serialization.
SnapshotManager |
Manager for
Snapshot , providing utility methods related to paths and snapshot hints. |
SortUtil |
Util for sort.
StatsCollectorFactories |
The stats utils to create
SimpleColStatsCollector.Factory s. |
StringUtils |
Utils for
BinaryString and utility class to convert objects into strings in vice-versa. |
TagManager |
Manager for
Tag . |
ThetaSketch |
A compressed bitmap for 32-bit integer.
ThreadPoolUtils |
Utils for thread pool.
ThreadUtils |
Utils for thread.
TimeUtils |
Collection of utilities about time intervals.
Triple<T0,T1,T2> |
Container that accommodates three fields.
TypeCheckUtils |
Utils for type.
TypeUtils |
Type related helper functions.
UserDefinedSeqComparator |
FieldsComparator for user defined sequence fields. |
ValueEqualiserSupplier |
Supplier that returns the equaliser for the file store value. |
VarLengthIntUtils |
Utils for encoding int/long to var length bytes.
VectorMappingUtils |
This is a util about how to expand the
ColumnVector s with the partition row and index
mapping. |
VersionedObjectSerializer<T> |
ObjectSerializer for versioned serialization. |
Enum | Description |
BitSliceIndexRoaringBitmap.Operation |
Specifies O'Neil compare algorithm operation.
HadoopUtils.HadoopConfigLoader |
Specifies the way of loading hadoop config.
OperatingSystem |
An enumeration indicating the operating system that the JVM runs on.
Exception | Description |
SnapshotNotExistException |
Thrown by TagManager or SnapshotManager when the specified snapshotId does not exist.
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