Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MemorySize |
CoreOptions.deletionVectorIndexFileTargetSize() |
MemorySize |
CoreOptions.fileReaderAsyncThreshold() |
MemorySize |
CoreOptions.lookupCacheMaxMemory() |
MemorySize |
CoreOptions.manifestFullCompactionThresholdSize() |
MemorySize |
CoreOptions.manifestTargetSize() |
MemorySize |
CoreOptions.writeBufferSpillDiskSize() |
MemorySize |
CoreOptions.writeManifestCache() |
Constructor and Description |
AppendOnlyWriter(FileIO fileIO,
IOManager ioManager,
long schemaId,
FileFormat fileFormat,
long targetFileSize,
RowType writeSchema,
long maxSequenceNumber,
CompactManager compactManager,
IOFunction<List<DataFileMeta>,RecordReaderIterator<InternalRow>> bucketFileRead,
boolean forceCompact,
DataFilePathFactory pathFactory,
CommitIncrement increment,
boolean useWriteBuffer,
boolean spillable,
String fileCompression,
CompressOptions spillCompression,
SimpleColStatsCollector.Factory[] statsCollectors,
MemorySize maxDiskSize,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions,
boolean asyncFileWrite,
boolean statsDenseStore) |
Constructor and Description |
DeletionVectorIndexFileWriter(FileIO fileIO,
PathFactory pathFactory,
MemorySize targetSizePerIndexFile) |
DeletionVectorsIndexFile(FileIO fileIO,
PathFactory pathFactory,
MemorySize targetSizePerIndexFile) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RowBuffer |
RowBuffer.getBuffer(IOManager ioManager,
MemorySegmentPool memoryPool,
AbstractRowDataSerializer<InternalRow> serializer,
boolean spillable,
MemorySize maxDiskSize,
CompressOptions compression) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
FlinkConnectorOptions.SINK_COMMITTER_MEMORY |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
Weight of writer buffer in managed memory, Flink will compute the memory size for writer
according to the weight, the actual memory used depends on the running environment.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
FlinkSink.configureGlobalCommitter(org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.SingleOutputStreamOperator<?> committed,
double cpuCores,
MemorySize heapMemory) |
Constructor and Description |
FlinkCdcMultiTableSink(CatalogLoader catalogLoader,
double commitCpuCores,
MemorySize commitHeapMemory,
String commitUser,
boolean eagerInit,
TableFilter tableFilter) |
Constructor and Description |
SortOperator(RowType keyType,
RowType rowType,
long maxMemory,
int pageSize,
int spillSortMaxNumFiles,
CompressOptions spillCompression,
int sinkParallelism,
MemorySize maxDiskSize,
boolean sequenceOrder) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ManagedMemoryUtils.declareManagedMemory(org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream<?> dataStream,
MemorySize memorySize) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MemorySize |
FileFormatFactory.FormatContext.blockSize() |
Constructor and Description |
FormatContext(Options options,
int readBatchSize,
int writeBatchSize,
int zstdLevel,
MemorySize blockSize) |
Constructor and Description |
IcebergManifestFile(FileIO fileIO,
RowType partitionType,
FormatReaderFactory readerFactory,
FormatWriterFactory writerFactory,
String compression,
PathFactory pathFactory,
MemorySize targetFileSize) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected MemorySize |
CacheBuilder.memorySize |
Constructor and Description |
CacheManager(Cache.CacheType cacheType,
MemorySize maxMemorySize,
double highPriorityPoolRatio) |
CacheManager(MemorySize maxMemorySize) |
CacheManager(MemorySize dataMaxMemorySize,
double highPriorityPoolRatio) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
RocksDBOptions.BLOCK_SIZE |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MemorySegmentPool |
MemorySegmentPool.createHeapPool(MemorySize maxMemory,
MemorySize pageSize) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static<String,LookupFile> |
LookupFile.createCache(java.time.Duration fileRetention,
MemorySize maxDiskSize) |
Constructor and Description |
MergeTreeWriter(boolean writeBufferSpillable,
MemorySize maxDiskSize,
int sortMaxFan,
CompressOptions sortCompression,
IOManager ioManager,
CompactManager compactManager,
long maxSequenceNumber,
Comparator<InternalRow> keyComparator,
MergeFunction<KeyValue> mergeFunction,
KeyValueFileWriterFactory writerFactory,
boolean commitForceCompact,
CoreOptions.ChangelogProducer changelogProducer,
CommitIncrement increment,
FieldsComparator userDefinedSeqComparator) |
SortBufferWriteBuffer(RowType keyType,
RowType valueType,
FieldsComparator userDefinedSeqComparator,
MemorySegmentPool memoryPool,
boolean spillable,
MemorySize maxDiskSize,
int sortMaxFan,
CompressOptions compression,
IOManager ioManager) |
Constructor and Description |
FileStoreCommitImpl(SnapshotCommit snapshotCommit,
FileIO fileIO,
SchemaManager schemaManager,
String tableName,
String commitUser,
RowType partitionType,
CoreOptions options,
String partitionDefaultName,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
SnapshotManager snapshotManager,
ManifestFile.Factory manifestFileFactory,
ManifestList.Factory manifestListFactory,
IndexManifestFile.Factory indexManifestFileFactory,
FileStoreScan scan,
int numBucket,
MemorySize manifestTargetSize,
MemorySize manifestFullCompactionSize,
int manifestMergeMinCount,
boolean dynamicPartitionOverwrite,
Comparator<InternalRow> keyComparator,
String branchName,
StatsFileHandler statsFileHandler,
BucketMode bucketMode,
Integer manifestReadParallelism,
List<CommitCallback> commitCallbacks,
int commitMaxRetries,
long commitTimeout) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static MemorySize |
MemorySize.MAX_VALUE |
static MemorySize |
MemorySize.VALUE_128_MB |
static MemorySize |
MemorySize.VALUE_256_MB |
static MemorySize |
MemorySize.ZERO |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
static ConfigOption<MemorySize> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MemorySize |
MemorySize.add(MemorySize that) |
MemorySize |
MemorySize.divide(long by) |
MemorySize |
MemorySize.multiply(double multiplier) |
static MemorySize |
MemorySize.ofBytes(long bytes) |
static MemorySize |
MemorySize.ofKibiBytes(long kibiBytes) |
static MemorySize |
MemorySize.ofMebiBytes(long mebiBytes) |
static MemorySize |
MemorySize.parse(String text)
Parses the given string as as MemorySize.
static MemorySize |
MemorySize.parse(String text,
MemorySize.MemoryUnit defaultUnit)
Parses the given string with a default unit.
MemorySize |
MemorySize.subtract(MemorySize that) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder<MemorySize> |
Defines that the value of the option should be of
MemorySize type. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MemorySize |
MemorySize.add(MemorySize that) |
int |
MemorySize.compareTo(MemorySize that) |
MemorySize |
MemorySize.subtract(MemorySize that) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static BinaryExternalSortBuffer |
BinaryExternalSortBuffer.create(IOManager ioManager,
RowType rowType,
int[] keyFields,
long bufferSize,
int pageSize,
int maxNumFileHandles,
CompressOptions compression,
MemorySize maxDiskSize,
boolean sequenceOrder) |
static BinaryExternalSortBuffer |
BinaryExternalSortBuffer.create(IOManager ioManager,
RowType rowType,
int[] keyFields,
MemorySegmentPool pool,
int maxNumFileHandles,
CompressOptions compression,
MemorySize maxDiskSize,
boolean sequenceOrder) |
Constructor and Description |
BinaryExternalSortBuffer(BinaryRowSerializer serializer,
RecordComparator comparator,
int pageSize,
BinaryInMemorySortBuffer inMemorySortBuffer,
IOManager ioManager,
int maxNumFileHandles,
CompressOptions compression,
MemorySize maxDiskSize) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MemorySize |
SegmentsCache.maxMemorySize() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> SegmentsCache<T> |
SegmentsCache.create(int pageSize,
MemorySize maxMemorySize,
long maxElementSize) |
static <T> SegmentsCache<T> |
SegmentsCache.create(MemorySize maxMemorySize,
long maxElementSize) |
Constructor and Description |
SegmentsCache(int pageSize,
MemorySize maxMemorySize,
long maxElementSize) |
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