Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
IndexBootstrap.bootstrap(int numAssigners,
int assignId) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
RecordReader which apply DeletionVector to filter record. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
ApplyDeletionVectorReader.reader() |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
RecordReader which apply BitmapIndexResult to filter record. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
IncrementalCompactDiffSplitRead.createReader(DataSplit split) |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
LookupStreamingReader.nextBatch(boolean useParallelism) |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
LookupCompactDiffRead.reader(Split split) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Record reader for parquet.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
InternalRow from data files. |
class |
RecordReader for reading KeyValue data files. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RecordReader<T> |
FileReaderFactory.createRecordReader(DataFileMeta file) |
RecordReader<KeyValue> |
KeyValueFileReaderFactory.createRecordReader(DataFileMeta file) |
static RecordReader<InternalRow> |
SplitsParallelReadUtil.parallelExecute(RowType projectedType,
FunctionWithIOException<Split,RecordReader<InternalRow>> readBuilder,
List<Split> splits,
int pageSize,
int parallelism) |
static <EXTRA> RecordReader<InternalRow> |
SplitsParallelReadUtil.parallelExecute(RowType projectedType,
FunctionWithIOException<Split,RecordReader<InternalRow>> readBuilder,
List<Split> splits,
int pageSize,
int parallelism,
java.util.function.Function<Split,EXTRA> extraFunction,
java.util.function.BiFunction<InternalRow,EXTRA,InternalRow> addExtraToRow) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RecordReader<InternalRow> |
SplitsParallelReadUtil.parallelExecute(RowType projectedType,
FunctionWithIOException<Split,RecordReader<InternalRow>> readBuilder,
List<Split> splits,
int pageSize,
int parallelism) |
static <EXTRA> RecordReader<InternalRow> |
SplitsParallelReadUtil.parallelExecute(RowType projectedType,
FunctionWithIOException<Split,RecordReader<InternalRow>> readBuilder,
List<Split> splits,
int pageSize,
int parallelism,
java.util.function.Function<Split,EXTRA> extraFunction,
java.util.function.BiFunction<InternalRow,EXTRA,InternalRow> addExtraToRow) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> RecordReader<T> |
MergeSorter.mergeSort(List<SizedReaderSupplier<KeyValue>> lazyReaders,
Comparator<InternalRow> keyComparator,
FieldsComparator userDefinedSeqComparator,
MergeFunctionWrapper<T> mergeFunction) |
<T> RecordReader<T> |
MergeSorter.mergeSortNoSpill(List<? extends ReaderSupplier<KeyValue>> lazyReaders,
Comparator<InternalRow> keyComparator,
FieldsComparator userDefinedSeqComparator,
MergeFunctionWrapper<T> mergeFunction) |
static <T> RecordReader<T> |
MergeTreeReaders.readerForMergeTree(List<List<SortedRun>> sections,
FileReaderFactory<KeyValue> readerFactory,
Comparator<InternalRow> userKeyComparator,
FieldsComparator userDefinedSeqComparator,
MergeFunctionWrapper<T> mergeFunctionWrapper,
MergeSorter mergeSorter) |
static <T> RecordReader<T> |
MergeTreeReaders.readerForSection(List<SortedRun> section,
FileReaderFactory<KeyValue> readerFactory,
Comparator<InternalRow> userKeyComparator,
FieldsComparator userDefinedSeqComparator,
MergeFunctionWrapper<T> mergeFunctionWrapper,
MergeSorter mergeSorter) |
Constructor and Description |
DropDeleteReader(RecordReader<KeyValue> reader) |
Constructor and Description |
LookupLevels(Levels levels,
Comparator<InternalRow> keyComparator,
RowType keyType,
LookupLevels.ValueProcessor<T> valueProcessor,
IOFunction<DataFileMeta,RecordReader<KeyValue>> fileReaderFactory,
java.util.function.Function<String,File> localFileFactory,
LookupStoreFactory lookupStoreFactory,
java.util.function.Function<Long,BloomFilter.Builder> bfGenerator,<String,LookupFile> lookupFileCache) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
This reader is to read a list of
RecordReader , which is already sorted by key and
sequence number, and perform a sort merge algorithm. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This reader is to concatenate a list of
RecordReader s and read them sequentially. |
class |
SortMergeReader implemented with loser-tree. |
class |
SortMergeReader implemented with min-heap. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <R> RecordReader<R> |
ConcatRecordReader.create(List<? extends ReaderSupplier<R>> readers) |
static <R> RecordReader<R> |
ConcatRecordReader.create(ReaderSupplier<R> reader1,
ReaderSupplier<R> reader2) |
protected <T> RecordReader<T> |
MergeTreeCompactRewriter.readerForMergeTree(List<List<SortedRun>> sections,
MergeFunctionWrapper<T> mergeFunctionWrapper) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> SortMergeReader<T> |
SortMergeReader.createSortMergeReader(List<RecordReader<KeyValue>> readers,
Comparator<InternalRow> userKeyComparator,
FieldsComparator userDefinedSeqComparator,
MergeFunctionWrapper<T> mergeFunctionWrapper,
CoreOptions.SortEngine sortEngine) |
Constructor and Description |
LoserTree(List<RecordReader<T>> nextBatchReaders,
Comparator<T> firstComparator,
Comparator<T> secondComparator) |
SortMergeReaderWithLoserTree(List<RecordReader<KeyValue>> readers,
Comparator<InternalRow> userKeyComparator,
FieldsComparator userDefinedSeqComparator,
MergeFunctionWrapper<T> mergeFunctionWrapper) |
SortMergeReaderWithMinHeap(List<RecordReader<KeyValue>> readers,
Comparator<InternalRow> userKeyComparator,
FieldsComparator userDefinedSeqComparator,
MergeFunctionWrapper<T> mergeFunctionWrapper) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
RecordReader which reverses the RowKind of the KeyValue from RowKind.INSERT to RowKind.DELETE read from the wrapped reader. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
DefaultValueAssigner.assignFieldsDefaultValue(RecordReader<InternalRow> reader)
assign default value for column which value is null.
RecordReader<KeyValue> |
MergeFileSplitRead.createMergeReader(BinaryRow partition,
int bucket,
List<DataFileMeta> files,
List<DeletionFile> deletionFiles,
boolean keepDelete) |
RecordReader<KeyValue> |
MergeFileSplitRead.createNoMergeReader(BinaryRow partition,
int bucket,
List<DataFileMeta> files,
List<DeletionFile> deletionFiles,
boolean onlyFilterKey) |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
RawFileSplitRead.createReader(BinaryRow partition,
int bucket,
List<DataFileMeta> files,
List<IOExceptionSupplier<DeletionVector>> dvFactories) |
RecordReader<T> |
SplitRead.createReader(DataSplit split)
Create a
RecordReader from split. |
RecordReader<KeyValue> |
MergeFileSplitRead.createReader(DataSplit split) |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
RawFileSplitRead.createReader(DataSplit split) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
DefaultValueAssigner.assignFieldsDefaultValue(RecordReader<InternalRow> reader)
assign default value for column which value is null.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <L,R> SplitRead<R> |
SplitRead.convert(SplitRead<L> read,
IOFunction<DataSplit,RecordReader<R>> convertedFactory) |
Constructor and Description |
ReverseReader(RecordReader<KeyValue> reader) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
RecordReader to support returning FileRecordIterator . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An empty
FileRecordReader . |
class |
An empty
RecordReader . |
class |
The reader which will pack the update before and update after message together.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default RecordReader<T> |
RecordReader.filter(Filter<T> filter)
Filters a
RecordReader . |
RecordReader<T> |
ReaderSupplier.get() |
default <R> RecordReader<R> |
RecordReader.transform(java.util.function.Function<T,R> function)
Returns a
RecordReader that applies function to each element. |
Constructor and Description |
PackChangelogReader(RecordReader<InternalRow> reader,
java.util.function.BiFunction<InternalRow,InternalRow,InternalRow> function,
RowType rowType) |
RecordReaderIterator(RecordReader<T> reader) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default RecordReader<InternalRow> |
TableRead.createReader(List<Split> splits) |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
TableRead.createReader(Split split) |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
AbstractDataTableRead.createReader(Split split) |
default RecordReader<InternalRow> |
TableRead.createReader(TableScan.Plan plan) |
abstract RecordReader<InternalRow> |
AbstractDataTableRead.reader(Split split) |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
KeyValueTableRead.reader(Split split) |
static RecordReader<InternalRow> |
KeyValueTableRead.unwrap(RecordReader<KeyValue> reader) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RecordReader<InternalRow> |
KeyValueTableRead.unwrap(RecordReader<KeyValue> reader) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RecordReader<InternalRow> |
IncrementalDiffSplitRead.createReader(DataSplit split) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
RecordReader to use ASYNC_EXECUTOR to read records async. |
class |
Wrap a
Iterator as an RecordReader . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RecordReader<InternalRow> |
FileUtils.createFormatReader(FileIO fileIO,
FormatReaderFactory format,
Path file,
Long fileSize) |
Constructor and Description |
AsyncRecordReader(IOExceptionSupplier<RecordReader<T>> supplier) |
ParallelExecution(Serializer<T> serializer,
int pageSize,
int parallelism,
List<java.util.function.Supplier<Pair<RecordReader<T>,E>>> readers) |
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