Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Snapshot |
Snapshot.fromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
static Changelog |
Changelog.fromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
static Snapshot |
Snapshot.tryFromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
static Changelog |
Changelog.tryFromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
Constructor and Description |
AppendOnlyFileStore(FileIO fileIO,
SchemaManager schemaManager,
TableSchema schema,
CoreOptions options,
RowType partitionType,
RowType bucketKeyType,
RowType rowType,
String tableName,
CatalogEnvironment catalogEnvironment) |
KeyValueFileStore(FileIO fileIO,
SchemaManager schemaManager,
TableSchema schema,
boolean crossPartitionUpdate,
CoreOptions options,
RowType partitionType,
RowType bucketKeyType,
RowType keyType,
RowType valueType,
KeyValueFieldsExtractor keyValueFieldsExtractor,
MergeFunctionFactory<KeyValue> mfFactory,
String tableName,
CatalogEnvironment catalogEnvironment) |
Constructor and Description |
AppendOnlyWriter(FileIO fileIO,
IOManager ioManager,
long schemaId,
FileFormat fileFormat,
long targetFileSize,
RowType writeSchema,
long maxSequenceNumber,
CompactManager compactManager,
IOFunction<List<DataFileMeta>,RecordReaderIterator<InternalRow>> bucketFileRead,
boolean forceCompact,
DataFilePathFactory pathFactory,
CommitIncrement increment,
boolean useWriteBuffer,
boolean spillable,
String fileCompression,
CompressOptions spillCompression,
SimpleColStatsCollector.Factory[] statsCollectors,
MemorySize maxDiskSize,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions,
boolean asyncFileWrite,
boolean statsDenseStore) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected FileIO |
AbstractCatalog.fileIO |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
AbstractCatalog.fileIO() |
protected FileIO |
AbstractCatalog.fileIO(Path path) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Catalog |
FileSystemCatalogFactory.create(FileIO fileIO,
Path warehouse,
CatalogContext context) |
default Catalog |
CatalogFactory.create(FileIO fileIO,
Path warehouse,
CatalogContext context) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Table |
CatalogUtils.loadTable(Catalog catalog,
Identifier identifier,
java.util.function.Function<Path,FileIO> internalFileIO,
java.util.function.Function<Path,FileIO> externalFileIO,
TableMetadata.Loader metadataLoader,
CatalogLockFactory lockFactory,
CatalogLockContext lockContext)
Load table from
Catalog , this table can be:
1. |
static Table |
CatalogUtils.loadTable(Catalog catalog,
Identifier identifier,
java.util.function.Function<Path,FileIO> internalFileIO,
java.util.function.Function<Path,FileIO> externalFileIO,
TableMetadata.Loader metadataLoader,
CatalogLockFactory lockFactory,
CatalogLockContext lockContext)
Load table from
Catalog , this table can be:
1. |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractCatalog(FileIO fileIO) |
AbstractCatalog(FileIO fileIO,
Options options) |
FileSystemCatalog(FileIO fileIO,
Path warehouse) |
FileSystemCatalog(FileIO fileIO,
Path warehouse,
Options options) |
FileSystemCatalogLoader(FileIO fileIO,
Path warehouse,
Options options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Optional<Consumer> |
Consumer.fromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
Constructor and Description |
ConsumerManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath) |
ConsumerManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath,
String branchName) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FileIO . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
COSNLoader.load(Path path) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DeletionVector.Factory |
DeletionVector.factory(FileIO fileIO,
List<DataFileMeta> files,
List<DeletionFile> deletionFiles) |
static DeletionVector | fileIO,
DeletionFile deletionFile) |
Constructor and Description |
DeletionVectorIndexFileWriter(FileIO fileIO,
PathFactory pathFactory,
MemorySize targetSizePerIndexFile) |
DeletionVectorsIndexFile(FileIO fileIO,
PathFactory pathFactory,
MemorySize targetSizePerIndexFile) |
Constructor and Description |
FileIndexPredicate(Path path,
FileIO fileIO,
RowType fileRowType) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FileIO to use FileSystem . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
FlinkFileIOLoader.load(Path path) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static FileIO |
CloneFilesUtil.getFileIO(Map<String,FileIO> fileIOs,
String identifier,
Catalog catalog) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static FileIO |
CloneFilesUtil.getFileIO(Map<String,FileIO> fileIOs,
String identifier,
Catalog catalog) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
FormatReaderContext.fileIO() |
FileIO |
FormatReaderFactory.Context.fileIO() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleColStats[] |
SimpleStatsExtractor.extract(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length) |
Pair<SimpleColStats[],SimpleStatsExtractor.FileInfo> |
SimpleStatsExtractor.extractWithFileInfo(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length) |
Constructor and Description |
FormatReaderContext(FileIO fileIO,
Path file,
long fileSize) |
FormatReaderContext(FileIO fileIO,
Path file,
long fileSize,
RoaringBitmap32 selection) |
OrcFormatReaderContext(FileIO fileIO,
Path filePath,
long fileSize,
int poolSize) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleColStats[] |
AvroSimpleStatsExtractor.extract(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length) |
Pair<SimpleColStats[],SimpleStatsExtractor.FileInfo> |
AvroSimpleStatsExtractor.extractWithFileInfo(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length) |
Constructor and Description |
HadoopReadOnlyFileSystem(FileIO fileIO) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static org.apache.orc.Reader |
OrcReaderFactory.createReader(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf,
FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
RoaringBitmap32 selection) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleColStats[] |
OrcSimpleStatsExtractor.extract(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length) |
Pair<SimpleColStats[],SimpleStatsExtractor.FileInfo> |
OrcSimpleStatsExtractor.extractWithFileInfo(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleColStats[] |
ParquetSimpleStatsExtractor.extract(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length) |
static Pair<Map<String,org.apache.parquet.column.statistics.Statistics<?>>,SimpleStatsExtractor.FileInfo> |
ParquetUtil.extractColumnStats(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length)
Extract stats from specified Parquet file path.
Pair<SimpleColStats[],SimpleStatsExtractor.FileInfo> |
ParquetSimpleStatsExtractor.extractWithFileInfo(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length) |
static ParquetInputFile |
ParquetInputFile.fromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length) |
static ParquetFileReader |
ParquetUtil.getParquetReader(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
long length)
ParquetFileReader instance to read the Parquet file at the given path. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FileIO for plugin jar. |
class |
An implementation of
FileIO that supports multiple file system schemas. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract FileIO |
PluginFileIO.createFileIO(Path path) |
FileIO |
ResolvingFileIO.fileIO(Path path) |
static FileIO |
FileIO.get(Path path,
CatalogContext config)
Returns a reference to the
FileIO instance for accessing the file system identified
by the given path. |
FileIO |
FileIOLoader.load(Path path) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FileIO . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FileIO for local file. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TBPropertiesLocationHelper.createPathIfRequired(Path path,
FileIO fileIO) |
void |
StorageLocationHelper.createPathIfRequired(Path dbPath,
FileIO fileIO) |
void |
LocationHelper.createPathIfRequired(Path dbPath,
FileIO fileIO) |
void |
TBPropertiesLocationHelper.dropPathIfRequired(Path path,
FileIO fileIO) |
void |
StorageLocationHelper.dropPathIfRequired(Path path,
FileIO fileIO) |
void |
LocationHelper.dropPathIfRequired(Path path,
FileIO fileIO) |
Constructor and Description |
HiveCatalog(FileIO fileIO,
org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf hiveConf,
String clientClassName,
Options options,
String warehouse) |
HiveCatalog(FileIO fileIO,
org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf hiveConf,
String clientClassName,
String warehouse) |
HiveCatalogLoader(FileIO fileIO,
SerializableHiveConf hiveConf,
String clientClassName,
Options options,
String warehouse) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HiveMigrator.MigrateTask |
HiveMigrator.importUnPartitionedTableTask(FileIO fileIO,
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table sourceTable,
FileStoreTable paimonTable,
Map<Path,Path> rollback) |
Constructor and Description |
MigrateTask(FileIO fileIO,
String format,
String location,
FileStoreTable paimonTable,
BinaryRow partitionRow,
Path newDir,
Map<Path,Path> rollback) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<Path> |
IcebergPathFactory.getAllMetadataPathBefore(FileIO fileIO,
long snapshotId) |
Constructor and Description |
IcebergManifestFile(FileIO fileIO,
RowType partitionType,
FormatReaderFactory readerFactory,
FormatWriterFactory writerFactory,
String compression,
PathFactory pathFactory,
MemorySize targetFileSize) |
IcebergManifestList(FileIO fileIO,
FileFormat fileFormat,
RowType manifestType,
String compression,
PathFactory pathFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static IcebergMetadata |
IcebergMetadata.fromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected FileIO |
IndexFile.fileIO |
Constructor and Description |
HashIndexFile(FileIO fileIO,
PathFactory pathFactory) |
IndexFile(FileIO fileIO,
PathFactory pathFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected FileIO |
SingleFileWriter.fileIO |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
KeyValueFileReaderFactory.Builder.fileIO() |
FileIO |
KeyValueFileWriterFactory.getFileIO() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static KeyValueFileWriterFactory.Builder |
KeyValueFileWriterFactory.builder(FileIO fileIO,
long schemaId,
RowType keyType,
RowType valueType,
FileFormat fileFormat,
Map<String,FileStorePathFactory> format2PathFactory,
long suggestedFileSize) |
static KeyValueFileReaderFactory.Builder |
KeyValueFileReaderFactory.builder(FileIO fileIO,
SchemaManager schemaManager,
TableSchema schema,
RowType keyType,
RowType valueType,
FileFormatDiscover formatDiscover,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
KeyValueFieldsExtractor extractor,
CoreOptions options) |
static DataFileIndexWriter |
DataFileIndexWriter.create(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
RowType rowType,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions) |
static DataFileIndexWriter |
DataFileIndexWriter.create(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
RowType rowType,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions,
Map<String,String> colNameMapping) |
static FileIndexResult |
FileIndexEvaluator.evaluate(FileIO fileIO,
TableSchema dataSchema,
List<Predicate> dataFilter,
DataFilePathFactory dataFilePathFactory,
DataFileMeta file) |
Constructor and Description |
DataFileIndexWriter(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
RowType rowType,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions,
Map<String,String> colNameMapping) |
KeyValueDataFileWriter(FileIO fileIO,
FormatWriterFactory factory,
Path path,
java.util.function.Function<KeyValue,InternalRow> converter,
RowType keyType,
RowType valueType,
RowType writeRowType,
SimpleStatsExtractor simpleStatsExtractor,
long schemaId,
int level,
String compression,
CoreOptions options,
FileSource fileSource,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions,
boolean isExternalPath) |
KeyValueDataFileWriterImpl(FileIO fileIO,
FormatWriterFactory factory,
Path path,
java.util.function.Function<KeyValue,InternalRow> converter,
RowType keyType,
RowType valueType,
SimpleStatsExtractor simpleStatsExtractor,
long schemaId,
int level,
String compression,
CoreOptions options,
FileSource fileSource,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions,
boolean isExternalPath) |
KeyValueThinDataFileWriterImpl(FileIO fileIO,
FormatWriterFactory factory,
Path path,
java.util.function.Function<KeyValue,InternalRow> converter,
RowType keyType,
RowType valueType,
SimpleStatsExtractor simpleStatsExtractor,
long schemaId,
int level,
String compression,
CoreOptions options,
FileSource fileSource,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions,
boolean isExternalPath)
Constructs a KeyValueThinDataFileWriterImpl.
RowDataFileWriter(FileIO fileIO,
FormatWriterFactory factory,
Path path,
RowType writeSchema,
SimpleStatsExtractor simpleStatsExtractor,
long schemaId,
LongCounter seqNumCounter,
String fileCompression,
SimpleColStatsCollector.Factory[] statsCollectors,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions,
FileSource fileSource,
boolean asyncFileWrite,
boolean statsDenseStore,
boolean isExternalPath) |
RowDataRollingFileWriter(FileIO fileIO,
long schemaId,
FileFormat fileFormat,
long targetFileSize,
RowType writeSchema,
DataFilePathFactory pathFactory,
LongCounter seqNumCounter,
String fileCompression,
SimpleColStatsCollector.Factory[] statsCollectors,
FileIndexOptions fileIndexOptions,
FileSource fileSource,
boolean asyncFileWrite,
boolean statsDenseStore) |
SingleFileWriter(FileIO fileIO,
FormatWriterFactory factory,
Path path,
java.util.function.Function<T,InternalRow> converter,
String compression,
boolean asyncWrite) |
StatsCollectingSingleFileWriter(FileIO fileIO,
FormatWriterFactory factory,
Path path,
java.util.function.Function<T,InternalRow> converter,
RowType writeSchema,
SimpleStatsExtractor simpleStatsExtractor,
String compression,
SimpleColStatsCollector.Factory[] statsCollectors,
boolean asyncWrite) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Catalog |
JdbcCatalogFactory.create(FileIO fileIO,
Path warehouse,
CatalogContext context) |
Constructor and Description |
JdbcCatalog(FileIO fileIO,
String catalogKey,
Options options,
String warehouse) |
JdbcCatalogLoader(FileIO fileIO,
String catalogKey,
Options options,
String warehouse) |
Constructor and Description |
Factory(FileIO fileIO,
FileFormat fileFormat,
String compression,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
SegmentsCache<Path> cache) |
Factory(FileIO fileIO,
FileFormat fileFormat,
String compression,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
SegmentsCache<Path> cache) |
Factory(FileIO fileIO,
SchemaManager schemaManager,
RowType partitionType,
FileFormat fileFormat,
String compression,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
long suggestedFileSize,
SegmentsCache<Path> cache) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<DataFileMeta> |
FileMetaUtils.construct(FileIO fileIO,
String format,
String location,
Table paimonTable,
java.util.function.Predicate<FileStatus> filter,
Path dir,
Map<Path,Path> rollback) |
static DataFileMeta |
FileMetaUtils.constructFileMeta(String format,
FileStatus fileStatus,
FileIO fileIO,
Table table,
Path dir,
Map<Path,Path> rollback) |
static DataFileMeta |
FileMetaUtils.constructFileMeta(String format,
FileStatus fileStatus,
FileIO fileIO,
Table table,
Path dir,
Map<Path,Path> rollback,
long schemaId) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected FileIO |
OrphanFilesClean.fileIO |
protected FileIO |
FileDeletionBase.fileIO |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
FileStoreCommit.fileIO() |
FileIO |
FileStoreCommitImpl.fileIO() |
Constructor and Description |
AppendOnlyFileStoreWrite(FileIO fileIO,
RawFileSplitRead read,
long schemaId,
RowType rowType,
RowType partitionType,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
SnapshotManager snapshotManager,
FileStoreScan scan,
CoreOptions options,
DeletionVectorsMaintainer.Factory dvMaintainerFactory,
String tableName) |
AppendOnlyFixedBucketFileStoreWrite(FileIO fileIO,
RawFileSplitRead read,
long schemaId,
String commitUser,
RowType rowType,
RowType partitionType,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
SnapshotManager snapshotManager,
FileStoreScan scan,
CoreOptions options,
DeletionVectorsMaintainer.Factory dvMaintainerFactory,
String tableName) |
AppendOnlyUnawareBucketFileStoreWrite(FileIO fileIO,
RawFileSplitRead read,
long schemaId,
RowType rowType,
RowType partitionType,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
SnapshotManager snapshotManager,
FileStoreScan scan,
CoreOptions options,
DeletionVectorsMaintainer.Factory dvMaintainerFactory,
String tableName) |
ChangelogDeletion(FileIO fileIO,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
ManifestFile manifestFile,
ManifestList manifestList,
IndexFileHandler indexFileHandler,
StatsFileHandler statsFileHandler,
boolean cleanEmptyDirectories,
int deleteFileThreadNum) |
FileDeletionBase(FileIO fileIO,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
ManifestFile manifestFile,
ManifestList manifestList,
IndexFileHandler indexFileHandler,
StatsFileHandler statsFileHandler,
boolean cleanEmptyDirectories,
int deleteFileThreadNum) |
FileStoreCommitImpl(SnapshotCommit snapshotCommit,
FileIO fileIO,
SchemaManager schemaManager,
String tableName,
String commitUser,
RowType partitionType,
CoreOptions options,
String partitionDefaultName,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
SnapshotManager snapshotManager,
ManifestFile.Factory manifestFileFactory,
ManifestList.Factory manifestListFactory,
IndexManifestFile.Factory indexManifestFileFactory,
FileStoreScan scan,
int numBucket,
MemorySize manifestTargetSize,
MemorySize manifestFullCompactionSize,
int manifestMergeMinCount,
boolean dynamicPartitionOverwrite,
Comparator<InternalRow> keyComparator,
String branchName,
StatsFileHandler statsFileHandler,
BucketMode bucketMode,
Integer manifestReadParallelism,
List<CommitCallback> commitCallbacks,
int commitMaxRetries,
long commitTimeout) |
KeyValueFileStoreWrite(FileIO fileIO,
SchemaManager schemaManager,
TableSchema schema,
String commitUser,
RowType partitionType,
RowType keyType,
RowType valueType,
java.util.function.Supplier<Comparator<InternalRow>> keyComparatorSupplier,
java.util.function.Supplier<FieldsComparator> udsComparatorSupplier,
java.util.function.Supplier<RecordEqualiser> logDedupEqualSupplier,
MergeFunctionFactory<KeyValue> mfFactory,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
Map<String,FileStorePathFactory> format2PathFactory,
SnapshotManager snapshotManager,
FileStoreScan scan,
IndexMaintainer.Factory<KeyValue> indexFactory,
DeletionVectorsMaintainer.Factory deletionVectorsMaintainerFactory,
CoreOptions options,
KeyValueFieldsExtractor extractor,
String tableName) |
RawFileSplitRead(FileIO fileIO,
SchemaManager schemaManager,
TableSchema schema,
RowType rowType,
FileFormatDiscover formatDiscover,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
boolean fileIndexReadEnabled) |
SnapshotDeletion(FileIO fileIO,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
ManifestFile manifestFile,
ManifestList manifestList,
IndexFileHandler indexFileHandler,
StatsFileHandler statsFileHandler,
boolean produceChangelog,
boolean cleanEmptyDirectories,
int deleteFileThreadNum) |
TagDeletion(FileIO fileIO,
FileStorePathFactory pathFactory,
ManifestFile manifestFile,
ManifestList manifestList,
IndexFileHandler indexFileHandler,
StatsFileHandler statsFileHandler,
boolean cleanEmptyDirectories,
int deleteFileThreadNum) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FileIO . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
OSSLoader.load(Path path) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SuccessFile |
SuccessFileMarkDoneAction.safelyFromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
Constructor and Description |
SuccessFileMarkDoneAction(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SuccessFile |
SuccessFile.fromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
static SuccessFile |
SuccessFile.safelyFromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
Constructor and Description |
PostponeBucketFileStoreWrite(FileIO fileIO,
TableSchema schema,
RowType partitionType,
RowType keyType,
RowType valueType,
Map<String,FileStorePathFactory> format2PathFactory,
SnapshotManager snapshotManager,
FileStoreScan scan,
CoreOptions options,
String tableName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
PrivilegedObjectTable.objectFileIO() |
Constructor and Description |
FileBasedPrivilegeManager(String warehouse,
FileIO fileIO,
String user,
String password) |
FileBasedPrivilegeManagerLoader(String warehouse,
FileIO fileIO,
String user,
String password) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FileIO to support getting token from REST Server. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FileIO . |
class |
FileIO . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
S3Loader.load(Path path) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TableSchema |
TableSchema.fromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
static TableSchema |
TableSchema.tryFromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
Constructor and Description |
SchemaManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path tableRoot) |
SchemaManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path tableRoot,
String branch)
Specify the default branch for data writing.
Constructor and Description |
ServiceManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Statistics |
Statistics.fromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
Constructor and Description |
StatsFile(FileIO fileIO,
PathFactory pathFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
DelegatedFileStoreTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
FormatTable.FormatTableImpl.fileIO() |
FileIO |
File io of this table.
FileIO |
KnownSplitsTable.fileIO() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static FileStoreTable |
FileStoreTableFactory.create(FileIO fileIO,
Options options) |
static FileStoreTable |
FileStoreTableFactory.create(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
static FileStoreTable |
FileStoreTableFactory.create(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath,
TableSchema tableSchema) |
static FileStoreTable |
FileStoreTableFactory.create(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath,
TableSchema tableSchema,
CatalogEnvironment catalogEnvironment) |
static FileStoreTable |
FileStoreTableFactory.create(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath,
TableSchema tableSchema,
Options dynamicOptions,
CatalogEnvironment catalogEnvironment) |
static FileStoreTable |
FileStoreTableFactory.createWithoutFallbackBranch(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath,
TableSchema tableSchema,
Options dynamicOptions,
CatalogEnvironment catalogEnvironment) |
FormatTable.Builder |
FormatTable.Builder.fileIO(FileIO fileIO) |
Constructor and Description |
AppendOnlyFileStoreTable(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
TableSchema tableSchema,
CatalogEnvironment catalogEnvironment) |
FormatTableImpl(FileIO fileIO,
Identifier identifier,
RowType rowType,
List<String> partitionKeys,
String location,
FormatTable.Format format,
Map<String,String> options,
String comment) |
PrimaryKeyFileStoreTable(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
TableSchema tableSchema,
CatalogEnvironment catalogEnvironment) |
RollbackHelper(SnapshotManager snapshotManager,
ChangelogManager changelogManager,
TagManager tagManager,
FileIO fileIO,
SnapshotDeletion snapshotDeletion,
ChangelogDeletion changelogDeletion,
TagDeletion tagDeletion) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
File io for object file system.
FileIO |
ObjectTable.ObjectTableImpl.objectFileIO() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectTable.Builder |
ObjectTable.Builder.objectFileIO(FileIO objectFileIO) |
Constructor and Description |
ObjectTableImpl(FileStoreTable underlyingTable,
FileIO objectFileIO,
String objectLocation) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
SchemasTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
FileMonitorTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
AuditLogTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
StatisticTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
TagsTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
AllTableOptionsTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
PartitionsTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
ConsumersTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
ReadOptimizedTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
AggregationFieldsTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
CatalogOptionsTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
SnapshotsTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
ManifestsTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
FilesTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
BranchesTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
TableIndexesTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
OptionsTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
BucketsTable.fileIO() |
FileIO |
CompactBucketsTable.fileIO() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Tag |
Tag.fromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
static Tag |
Tag.tryFromPath(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
Constructor and Description |
SuccessFileTagCallback(FileIO fileIO,
Path tagDirectory) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected FileIO |
ObjectsFile.fileIO |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FileIO |
ObjectsFile.fileIO() |
FileIO |
ChangelogManager.fileIO() |
FileIO |
SnapshotManager.fileIO() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
FileUtils.checkExists(FileIO fileIO,
Path file) |
static void |
HintFileUtils.commitEarliestHint(FileIO fileIO,
long id,
Path dir) |
static void |
HintFileUtils.commitHint(FileIO fileIO,
long id,
String fileName,
Path dir) |
static void |
HintFileUtils.commitLatestHint(FileIO fileIO,
long id,
Path dir) |
static RecordReader<InternalRow> |
FileUtils.createFormatReader(FileIO fileIO,
FormatReaderFactory format,
Path file,
Long fileSize) |
static void |
HintFileUtils.deleteLatestHint(FileIO fileIO,
Path dir) |
static Long |
HintFileUtils.findByListFiles(FileIO fileIO,
java.util.function.BinaryOperator<Long> reducer,
Path dir,
String prefix) |
static Long |
HintFileUtils.findEarliest(FileIO fileIO,
Path dir,
String prefix,
java.util.function.Function<Long,Path> file) |
static Long |
HintFileUtils.findLatest(FileIO fileIO,
Path dir,
String prefix,
java.util.function.Function<Long,Path> file) |
static<String> |
FileUtils.listOriginalVersionedFiles(FileIO fileIO,
Path dir,
String prefix)
List original versioned files for the directory.
static<FileStatus> |
FileUtils.listVersionedDirectories(FileIO fileIO,
Path dir,
String prefix)
List versioned directories for the directory.
static<Long> |
FileUtils.listVersionedFiles(FileIO fileIO,
Path dir,
String prefix)
List versioned files for the directory.
static<FileStatus> |
FileUtils.listVersionedFileStatus(FileIO fileIO,
Path dir,
String prefix)
List versioned file status for the directory.
static Long |
HintFileUtils.readHint(FileIO fileIO,
String fileName,
Path dir) |
static IntIterator |
IntFileUtils.readInts(FileIO fileIO,
Path path) |
static void |
IntFileUtils.writeInts(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
IntIterator input) |
Constructor and Description |
ChangelogManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath,
String branchName) |
FileSystemBranchManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path path,
SnapshotManager snapshotManager,
TagManager tagManager,
SchemaManager schemaManager) |
ObjectsFile(FileIO fileIO,
ObjectSerializer<T> serializer,
RowType formatType,
FormatReaderFactory readerFactory,
FormatWriterFactory writerFactory,
String compression,
PathFactory pathFactory,
SegmentsCache<Path> cache) |
SnapshotManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath,
String branchName,
SnapshotLoader snapshotLoader,<Path,Snapshot> cache) |
TagManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath) |
TagManager(FileIO fileIO,
Path tablePath,
String branch)
Specify the default branch for data writing.
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