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RESTCatalog #

Overview #

Paimon REST Catalog provides a lightweight implementation to access the catalog service. Paimon could access the catalog service through a catalog server which implements REST API.You can see all APIs in REST API.

Key Features #

  1. User Defined Technology-Specific Logic Implementation
  • All technology-specific logic within the catalog server.
  • This ensures that the user can define logic that could be owned by the user.
  1. Decoupled Architecture
  • The REST Catalog interacts with the catalog server through a well-defined REST API.
  • This decoupling allows for independent evolution and scaling of the catalog server and clients.
  1. Language Agnostic
  • Developers can implement the catalog server in any programming language, provided that it adheres to the specified REST API.
  • This flexibility enables teams to utilize their existing tech stacks and expertise.
  1. Support for Any Catalog Backend
  • Paimon REST Catalog is designed to work with any catalog backend.
  • As long as they implement the relevant APIs, they can seamlessly integrate with Paimon REST Catalog.

Usage #

  • Bear token
CREATE CATALOG `paimon-rest-catalog`
'type' = 'paimon',
'uri' = '<catalog server url>',
'metastore' = 'rest',
'token.provider' = 'bear'
'token' = '<token>'
  • DLF ak
CREATE CATALOG `paimon-rest-catalog`
'type' = 'paimon',
'uri' = '<catalog server url>',
'metastore' = 'rest',
'token.provider' = 'dlf',
  • DLF token path
CREATE CATALOG `paimon-rest-catalog`
'type' = 'paimon',
'uri' = '<catalog server url>',
'metastore' = 'rest',
'token.provider' = 'dlf',
'dlf.token-path' = '<token-path>'

Conclusion #

Paimon REST Catalog offers adaptable solution for accessing the catalog service. According to REST API is decoupled from the catalog service. Technology-specific Logic is encapsulated on the catalog server. At the same time, the catalog server supports any backend and languages.

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