Consumer ID
This documentation is for an unreleased version of Apache Paimon. We recommend you use the latest stable version.

Consumer ID #

Consumer id can help you accomplish the following two things:

  1. Safe consumption: When deciding whether a snapshot has expired, Paimon looks at all the consumers of the table in the file system, and if there are consumers that still depend on this snapshot, then this snapshot will not be deleted by expiration.
  2. Resume from breakpoint: When previous job is stopped, the newly started job can continue to consume from the previous progress without resuming from the state.

Usage #

You can specify the consumer-id when streaming read table.

The consumer will prevent expiration of the snapshot. In order to prevent too many snapshots caused by mistakes, you need to specify 'consumer.expiration-time' to manage the lifetime of consumers.

ALTER TABLE t SET ('consumer.expiration-time' = '1 d');

Then, restart streaming write job of this table, expiration of consumers will be triggered in writing job.

SELECT * FROM t /*+ OPTIONS('consumer-id' = 'myid', 'consumer.mode' = 'at-least-once') */;

Ignore Progress #

Sometimes, you only want the feature of ‘Safe Consumption’. You want to get a new snapshot progress when restarting the stream consumption job , you can enable the 'consumer.ignore-progress' option.

SELECT * FROM t /*+ OPTIONS('consumer-id' = 'myid', 'consumer.ignore-progress' = 'true') */;

The startup of this job will retrieve the snapshot that should be read again.

Consumer Mode #

By default, the consumption of snapshots is strictly aligned within the checkpoint to make ‘Resume from breakpoint’ feature exactly-once.

But in some scenarios where you don’t need ‘Resume from breakpoint’, or you don’t need strict ‘Resume from breakpoint’, you can consider enabling 'consumer.mode' = 'at-least-once' mode. This mode:

  1. Allow readers consume snapshots at different rates and record the slowest snapshot-id among all readers into the consumer. It doesn’t affect the checkpoint time and have good performance.
  2. This mode can provide more capabilities, such as watermark alignment.
About 'consumer.mode', since the implementation of exactly-once mode and at-least-once mode are completely different, the state of flink is incompatible and cannot be restored from the state when switching modes.

Rest Consumer #

You can reset or delete a consumer with a given consumer ID and next snapshot ID and delete a consumer with a given consumer ID. First, you need to stop the streaming task using this consumer ID, and then execute the reset consumer action job.

Run the following command:

CALL sys.reset_consumer(
   `table` => 'database_name.table_name', 
   consumer_id => 'consumer_id', 
   next_snapshot_id => <snapshot_id>
-- No next_snapshot_id if you want to delete the consumer
<FLINK_HOME>/bin/flink run \
    /path/to/paimon-flink-action-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    reset-consumer \
    --warehouse <warehouse-path> \
    --database <database-name> \ 
    --table <table-name> \
    --consumer_id <consumer-id> \
    [--next_snapshot <next-snapshot-id>] \
    [--catalog_conf <paimon-catalog-conf> [--catalog_conf <paimon-catalog-conf> ...]]

## No next_snapshot if you want to delete the consumer
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