Manage Branches
This documentation is for an unreleased version of Apache Paimon. We recommend you use the latest stable version.

Manage Branches #

In streaming data processing, it’s difficult to correct data for it may affect the existing data, and users will see the streaming provisional results, which is not expected.

We suppose the branch that the existing workflow is processing on is ‘main’ branch, by creating custom data branch, it can help to do experimental tests and data validating for the new job on the existing table, which doesn’t need to stop the existing reading / writing workflows and no need to copy data from the main branch.

By merge or replace branch operations, users can complete the correcting of data.

Create Branches #

Paimon supports creating branch from a specific tag, or just creating an empty branch which means the initial state of the created branch is like an empty table.

Run the following sql:

-- create branch named 'branch1' from tag 'tag1'
CALL sys.create_branch('default.T', 'branch1', 'tag1');

-- create empty branch named 'branch1'
CALL sys.create_branch('default.T', 'branch1');

Run the following command:

<FLINK_HOME>/bin/flink run \
    /path/to/paimon-flink-action-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    create_branch \
    --warehouse <warehouse-path> \
    --database <database-name> \ 
    --table <table-name> \
    --branch_name <branch-name> \
    [--tag_name <tag-name>] \
    [--catalog_conf <paimon-catalog-conf> [--catalog_conf <paimon-catalog-conf> ...]]

Run the following sql:

-- create branch named 'branch1' from tag 'tag1'
CALL sys.create_branch('default.T', 'branch1', 'tag1');

-- create empty branch named 'branch1'
CALL sys.create_branch('default.T', 'empty_branch');

Delete Branches #

You can delete branch by its name.

Note: The Delete Branches operation only deletes the metadata file. If you want to clear the data written during the branch, use remove_orphan_files

Run the following sql:

CALL sys.delete_branch('default.T', 'branch1');

Run the following command:

<FLINK_HOME>/bin/flink run \
    /path/to/paimon-flink-action-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    delete_branch \
    --warehouse <warehouse-path> \
    --database <database-name> \ 
    --table <table-name> \
    --branch_name <branch-name> \
    [--catalog_conf <paimon-catalog-conf> [--catalog_conf <paimon-catalog-conf> ...]]

Run the following sql:

CALL sys.delete_branch('default.T', 'branch1');

Read / Write With Branch #

You can read or write with branch as below.

-- read from branch 'branch1'
SELECT * FROM `t$branch_branch1`;
SELECT * FROM `t$branch_branch1` /*+ OPTIONS('consumer-id' = 'myid') */;

-- write to branch 'branch1'
INSERT INTO `t$branch_branch1` SELECT ...
-- read from branch 'branch1'
SELECT * FROM `t$branch_branch1`;

-- write to branch 'branch1'
INSERT INTO `t$branch_branch1` SELECT ...
-- read from branch 'branch1'"paimon").option("branch", "branch1").table("t")

Fast Forward #

Fast-Forward the custom branch to main will delete all the snapshots, tags and schemas in the main branch that are created after the branch’s initial tag. And copy snapshots, tags and schemas from the branch to the main branch.

If your branch modifies the schema, after Fast Forward, if it is Spark SQL, you can execute REFRESH TABLE my_table to clean up the cache to avoid inconsistencies caused by caching.

CALL sys.fast_forward('default.T', 'branch1');

Run the following command:

<FLINK_HOME>/bin/flink run \
    /path/to/paimon-flink-action-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    fast_forward \
    --warehouse <warehouse-path> \
    --database <database-name> \ 
    --table <table-name> \
    --branch_name <branch-name> \
    [--catalog_conf <paimon-catalog-conf> [--catalog_conf <paimon-catalog-conf> ...]]

Batch Reading from Fallback Branch #

You can set the table option scan.fallback-branch so that when a batch job reads from the current branch, if a partition does not exist, the reader will try to read this partition from the fallback branch. For streaming read jobs, this feature is currently not supported, and will only produce results from the current branch.

What’s the use case of this feature? Say you have created a Paimon table partitioned by date. You have a long-running streaming job which inserts records into Paimon, so that today’s data can be queried in time. You also have a batch job which runs at every night to insert corrected records of yesterday into Paimon, so that the preciseness of the data can be promised.

When you query from this Paimon table, you would like to first read from the results of batch job. But if a partition (for example, today’s partition) does not exist in its result, then you would like to read from the results of streaming job. In this case, you can create a branch for streaming job, and set scan.fallback-branch to this streaming branch.

Let’s look at an example.

-- create Paimon table
    amount BIGINT

-- create a branch for streaming job
CALL sys.create_branch('default.T', 'test');

-- set primary key and bucket number for the branch
ALTER TABLE `T$branch_test` SET (
    'primary-key' = 'dt,name',
    'bucket' = '2',
    'changelog-producer' = 'lookup'

-- set fallback branch
    'scan.fallback-branch' = 'test'

-- write records into the streaming branch
INSERT INTO `T$branch_test` VALUES ('20240725', 'apple', 4), ('20240725', 'peach', 10), ('20240726', 'cherry', 3), ('20240726', 'pear', 6);

-- write records into the default branch
INSERT INTO T VALUES ('20240725', 'apple', 5), ('20240725', 'banana', 7);

|               dt |             name | amount |
|         20240725 |            apple |      5 |
|         20240725 |           banana |      7 |
|         20240726 |           cherry |      3 |
|         20240726 |             pear |      6 |

-- reset fallback branch
ALTER TABLE T RESET ( 'scan.fallback-branch' );

-- now it only reads from default branch
|               dt |             name | amount |
|         20240725 |            apple |      5 |
|         20240725 |           banana |      7 |
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