Manage Partitions
This documentation is for an unreleased version of Apache Paimon. We recommend you use the latest stable version.

Manage Partitions #

Paimon provides multiple ways to manage partitions, including expire historical partitions by different strategies or mark a partition done to notify the downstream application that the partition has finished writing.

Expiring Partitions #

You can set partition.expiration-time when creating a partitioned table. Paimon streaming sink will periodically check the status of partitions and delete expired partitions according to time.

How to determine whether a partition has expired: you can set partition.expiration-strategy when creating a partitioned table, this strategy determines how to extract the partition time and compare it with the current time to see if survival time has exceeded the partition.expiration-time. Expiration strategy supported values are:

  • values-time : The strategy compares the time extracted from the partition value with the current time, this strategy as the default.
  • update-time : The strategy compares the last update time of the partition with the current time. What is the scenario for this strategy:
    • Your partition value is non-date formatted.
    • You only want to keep data that has been updated in the last n days/months/years.
    • Data initialization imports a large amount of historical data.
Note: After the partition expires, it is logically deleted and the latest snapshot cannot query its data. But the files in the file system are not immediately physically deleted, it depends on when the corresponding snapshot expires. See Expire Snapshots.

An example for single partition field:

values-time strategy.

    'partition.expiration-time' = '7 d',
    'partition.expiration-check-interval' = '1 d',
    'partition.timestamp-formatter' = 'yyyyMMdd'   -- this is required in `values-time` strategy.
-- Let's say now the date is 2024-07-09,so before the date of 2024-07-02 will expire.
insert into t values('pk', '2024-07-01');

-- An example for multiple partition fields
CREATE TABLE t (...) PARTITIONED BY (other_key, dt) WITH (
    'partition.expiration-time' = '7 d',
    'partition.expiration-check-interval' = '1 d',
    'partition.timestamp-formatter' = 'yyyyMMdd',
    'partition.timestamp-pattern' = '$dt'

update-time strategy.

    'partition.expiration-time' = '7 d',
    'partition.expiration-check-interval' = '1 d',
    'partition.expiration-strategy' = 'update-time'

-- The last update time of the partition is now, so it will not expire.
insert into t values('pk', '2024-01-01');
-- Support non-date formatted partition.
insert into t values('pk', 'par-1'); 

More options:

Option Default Type Description
values-time String Specifies the expiration strategy for partition expiration. Possible values:
  • values-time: The strategy compares the time extracted from the partition value with the current time.
  • update-time: The strategy compares the last update time of the partition with the current time.
  • partition.expiration-check-interval
    1 h Duration The check interval of partition expiration.
    (none) Duration The expiration interval of a partition. A partition will be expired if it‘s lifetime is over this value. Partition time is extracted from the partition value.
    (none) String The formatter to format timestamp from string. It can be used with 'partition.timestamp-pattern' to create a formatter using the specified value.
    • Default formatter is 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' and 'yyyy-MM-dd'.
    • Supports multiple partition fields like '$year-$month-$day $hour:00:00'.
    • The timestamp-formatter is compatible with Java's DateTimeFormatter.
    (none) String You can specify a pattern to get a timestamp from partitions. The formatter pattern is defined by 'partition.timestamp-formatter'.
    • By default, read from the first field.
    • If the timestamp in the partition is a single field called 'dt', you can use '$dt'.
    • If it is spread across multiple fields for year, month, day, and hour, you can use '$year-$month-$day $hour:00:00'.
    • If the timestamp is in fields dt and hour, you can use '$dt $hour:00:00'.
    false Boolean Whether check partition expire after batch mode or bounded stream job finish.

    Partition Mark Done #

    You can use the option 'partition.mark-done-action' to configure the action when a partition needs to be mark done.

    • success-file: add ‘_success’ file to directory.
    • done-partition: add ‘xxx.done’ partition to metastore.
    • mark-event: mark partition event to metastore.
    • http-report: report partition mark done to remote http server.
    • custom: use policy class to create a mark-partition policy. These actions can be configured at the same time: ‘done-partition,success-file,mark-event,custom’.

    Paimon partition mark done can be triggered both by streaming write and batch write.

    Streaming Mark Done #

    You can use the options 'partition.idle-time-to-done' to set a partition idle time to done duration. When a partition has no new data after this time duration, the mark done action will be triggered to indicate that the data is ready.

    By default, Flink will use process time as idle time to trigger partition mark done. You can also use watermark to trigger partition mark done. This will make the partition mark done time more accurate when data is delayed. You can enable this by setting 'partition.mark-done-action.mode' = 'watermark'.

    Batch Mark Done #

    For batch mode, you can trigger partition mark done when end input by setting 'partition.end-input-to-done'='true'.

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