This documentation is for an unreleased version of Apache Paimon. We recommend you use the latest stable version.
Quick Start #
Preparation #
Paimon currently supports Spark 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, and 3.2. We recommend the latest Spark version for a better experience.
Download the jar file with corresponding version.
Version | Jar |
Spark 3.5 | paimon-spark-3.5-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar |
Spark 3.4 | paimon-spark-3.4-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar |
Spark 3.3 | paimon-spark-3.3-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar |
Spark 3.2 | paimon-spark-3.2-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar |
You can also manually build bundled jar from the source code.
To build from source code, clone the git repository.
Build bundled jar with the following command.
mvn clean install -DskipTests
For Spark 3.3, you can find the bundled jar in ./paimon-spark/paimon-spark-3.3/target/paimon-spark-3.3-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Setup #
If you are using HDFS, make sure that the environment variableHADOOP_HOME
is set.
Step 1: Specify Paimon Jar File
Append path to paimon jar file to the --jars
argument when starting spark-sql
spark-sql ... --jars /path/to/paimon-spark-3.3-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
OR use the --packages
spark-sql ... --packages org.apache.paimon:paimon-spark-3.3:1.1-SNAPSHOT
Alternatively, you can copy paimon-spark-3.3-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
under spark/jars
in your Spark installation directory.
Step 2: Specify Paimon Catalog
When starting spark-sql
, use the following command to register Paimon’s Spark catalog with the name paimon
. Table files of the warehouse is stored under /tmp/paimon
spark-sql ... \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.paimon=org.apache.paimon.spark.SparkCatalog \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.paimon.warehouse=file:/tmp/paimon \
--conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.paimon.spark.extensions.PaimonSparkSessionExtensions
Catalogs are configured using properties under spark.sql.catalog.(catalog_name). In above case, ‘paimon’ is the catalog name, you can change it to your own favorite catalog name.
After spark-sql
command line has started, run the following SQL to create and switch to database default
USE paimon;
USE default;
After switching to the catalog ('USE paimon'
), Spark’s existing tables will not be directly accessible, you
can use the spark_catalog.${database_name}.${table_name}
to access Spark tables.
When starting spark-sql
, use the following command to register Paimon’s Spark Generic catalog to replace Spark
default catalog spark_catalog
. (default warehouse is Spark spark.sql.warehouse.dir
Currently, it is only recommended to use SparkGenericCatalog
in the case of Hive metastore, Paimon will infer
Hive conf from Spark session, you just need to configure Spark’s Hive conf.
spark-sql ... \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog=org.apache.paimon.spark.SparkGenericCatalog \
--conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.paimon.spark.extensions.PaimonSparkSessionExtensions
Using SparkGenericCatalog
, you can use Paimon tables in this Catalog or non-Paimon tables such as Spark’s csv,
parquet, Hive tables, etc.
Create Table #
create table my_table (
k int,
v string
) tblproperties (
'primary-key' = 'k'
create table my_table (
k int,
v string
) USING paimon
tblproperties (
'primary-key' = 'k'
Insert Table #
INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (1, 'Hi'), (2, 'Hello');
Query Table #
SELECT * FROM my_table;
1 Hi
2 Hello
val dataset ="paimon").load("file:/tmp/paimon/default.db/my_table")
| k | v|
| 1| Hi|
| 2| Hello|
Spark Type Conversion #
This section lists all supported type conversion between Spark and Paimon.
All Spark’s data types are available in package org.apache.spark.sql.types
Spark Data Type | Paimon Data Type | Atomic Type |
StructType |
RowType |
false |
MapType |
MapType |
false |
ArrayType |
ArrayType |
false |
BooleanType |
BooleanType |
true |
ByteType |
TinyIntType |
true |
ShortType |
SmallIntType |
true |
IntegerType |
IntType |
true |
LongType |
BigIntType |
true |
FloatType |
FloatType |
true |
DoubleType |
DoubleType |
true |
StringType |
VarCharType(Integer.MAX_VALUE) |
true |
VarCharType(length) |
VarCharType(length) |
true |
CharType(length) |
CharType(length) |
true |
DateType |
DateType |
true |
TimestampType |
LocalZonedTimestamp |
true |
TimestampNTZType(Spark3.4+) |
TimestampType |
true |
DecimalType(precision, scale) |
DecimalType(precision, scale) |
true |
BinaryType |
VarBinaryType , BinaryType |
true |
Due to the previous design, in Spark3.3 and below, Paimon will map both Paimon’s TimestampType and LocalZonedTimestamp to Spark’s TimestampType, and only correctly handle with TimestampType.
Therefore, when using Spark3.3 and below, reads Paimon table with LocalZonedTimestamp type written by other engines, such as Flink, the query result of LocalZonedTimestamp type will have time zone offset, which needs to be adjusted manually.
When using Spark3.4 and above, all timestamp types can be parsed correctly.